
Baldur’s Gate 3: All Dribbles Part Locations

Now we just need a bit of glue!

Baldur's Gate 3 Undead

Sometimes in Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll find a quest that leads you to all sorts of areas. The maps in this game are quite big, and you can easily get lost from time to time. To make things worse, some quests don’t even hold your hand and you’ll actually need to explore and find things yourself. When it comes to that, it’s great to have a guide around to show you where to go next.

In this guide, we’ll show you where to find all the parts for Dribbles in the game. Now, get ready to go adventuring because there’s going to be a lot of corpses to dig through!

All Dribbles Part Locations

There is a quest in Baldur’s Gate 3 that wants you to get several body parts for an undead creature. Of course, these body parts are hard to find and some of them can be a pain to get. Here are all the locations for said body parts for those who are looking for them!

Severed Arm

For the first part of Dribbles, you’ll want to go to the west of the Circus of the Last Days. There, you’ll find an NPC guarding his goods.

Baldur's Gate 3 West Of Circus Of The Last Days

This particular item is actually “owned” by the NPC, so you’ll want to sneak around and try to steal it. You can see it on the image below. Make sure to not get into any of the NPC’s sight lines and also don’t forget to run when you finally get it. The NPC might notice his goods are missing and start looking around!

Baldur's Gate 3 Steal Severed Arm

Severed Torso

For the next part, you’ll want to go the north of the Circus of the Last Days and enter the Open Hand Temple. On the Northwestern room, you’ll find an Ornate Wooden Hatch that will lead you down to the Cellar.

Baldur's Gate 3 Ornate Wooden Hatch

In the Cellar, look for the altar with two statues behind it. The walls next to the statues are buttons on them, interact with the buttons to open the hidden door. It’s not really hidden since there’s an Archway that points to it, but we’ll let that slide.

Baldur's Gate 3 Hidden Door

Go through the door and you’ll find a bunch of corpses. The one you’ll want to check is the Corpse of Penela Lumpensicks, which is where the Severed Torso is.

Baldur's Gate 3 Corpses

Severed Pelvis

The next item is the Severed Pelvis, and it can be found inside a house Northeast of the Stormshore Tabernacle. Right next to the Basilisk Gate Barracks, you’ll find a door that you’ll need to lockpick. Watch out for the people around you!

Baldur's Gate 3 Northeast Of Stormshore Tabernacle

Once you open the door, you’ll be greeted by a bloody scene. There, you’ll find a corpse and inside it is the Severed Pelvis.

Baldur's Gate 3 Desecrated Corpse

Severed Arm

For this next one, you’ll want to go to the southeast of the Sorcerous Sundries in the Lower Cities. You’ll need to find this one building that is barricaded with wooden planks. You can check the image below for a reference.

Speaking of the Sorcerous Sundries, why not go check our guide on how to enter the vaults there if you haven’t already?

Baldur's Gate 3 Severed Arm Map Location

You’ll also need to destroy the barricade, which doesn’t really need that much effort. Just repeatedly attack it, don’t worry the citizens won’t mind you destroying this one.

Baldur's Gate 3 Barricade

Once you’re inside, look at the corner where there’s a barrel and a Traveller’s Chest. Move that thing away, and it’ll show the hatch below it. Go down the hatch and onto the next area.

Baldur's Gate 3 Traveller's Chest

Once you get to the basement, you’ll find a large corpse. Inside it is the Severed Arm that we need! Don’t worry, the corpse won’t mind.

Baldur's Gate 3 Giant Corpse

Severed Head

For the next one, you’ll want to go to the Undercity Ruins. From the Fast Travel Point, head northeast until you see the area shown below.

Baldur's Gate 3 Severed Head Map Location

It’s going to be another place filled with corpses, what a surprise! The corpse we’ll want to interact with is next to the giant statue of a bust with a skeleton mask shown below. Open that corpse up and you’ll find yourself a Severed Head!

Baldur's Gate 3 Severed Head Location

Severed Leg

Going back to the Lower Cities, we’ll want to go to the southwest of the Lower City Central Wall. Again, feel free to use the image below as a reference. It’s another house that we’ll want to barge into.

Baldur's Gate 3 Severed Leg Map Location

Inside the house is another hatch, because these parts really love being inside cellars and hidden underground areas. Go down there, do mind the enemies inside the house.

Baldur's Gate 3 Wooden Hatch

Once you go down, you’ll see a bunch of corpses again. This time the corpse we’re looking for is actually not on the pile but a bit further from the entrance shown below. Good thing there’s the sunlight to show us which to corpse to interact this time.

Baldur's Gate 3 Severed Leg Location

Severed Foot

The last part on the list is to the west of the Beehive General Goods. This is just south of the previous house you’ve went to, so it’s not that far off.

Baldur's Gate 3 Severed Foor Map Location

Again, you’ll want to lockpick the entrance of this big house and go inside. Below the staircase, you’ll find another Hatch. Who would have seen that coming!

Baldur's Gate 3 Severed Foor Hatch

Go down the hatch and into the basement. This time, there’s only a couple of corpses around. The one we’ll want to interact is the one to the left. Oh, remember that this basement is filled with traps, so bring a rogue!

Baldur's Gate 3 Severed Foot Location

Those are all the locations for the parts for Dibbles in Baldur’s Gate 3. Now go out there and hunt for all of them! Go check out our guide on how to use Mage Hand if you haven’t already!

ALSO READ: Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Get Bloodthirst Legendary


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