
Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Race for Warlock

Cast fireball again!

Baldurs Gate 3 Best Race for Warlock

Warlocks are bound by a pact to an all-powerful patron of your choice in Baldur’s Gate 3. You trade your soul for supernatural abilities, which is more than enough for you to spam Eldritch Blast for the entirety of the campaign. It’s tradition at this point.

But before letting all the excitement get to you, you still have to choose a race. There’s plenty of options to choose from so things could get overwhelming rather easily. That’s what this guide is for, so keep on reading to find out more about the best race!

Best Race for Warlock

The Warlock is a Charisma Caster. That means they rely on Charisma for all their spellcasting needs, like a Sorcerer. A class that’s better than a Wizard. So, relying on a race that has a bonus to Charisma like a Tiefling is a great start since they have a plus two bonus to that ability.

Other races would include Half-Elves since they too, have a plus two to charisma and Humans for having a plus one bonus to every stat imaginable. Sadly, there’s a lack of access to utility spells so somebody else in your party will have to cast Feather Fall for you. So you might as well go for the first two options since humans don’t have Darkvision.


Any Tiefling gets a bonus to Charisma, and depending on your Subrace you can have a bonus to other stats that can give you some leeway in terms of skills. They also have Hellish Resistance, which gives you resistance to fire damage. This is one of the most common damage types in the game. You’ll also get extra spells as you level up.

These spells would be Hellish Rebuke, a Thaumaturgy Cantrip, and another second level spell called Darkness. Hellish Rebuke works well with Warlocks because they always cast at the highest possible level spell slot. This means that every time you cast it, you deal the maximum amount of damage right away.

Baldurs Gate 3 Best Race for Warlock

You can distribute your abilities like this when you’re starting out as a Tiefling:

Strength – 8

Dexterity – 12

Constitution – 14

Intelligence – 14

Wisdom – 10

Charisma – 17

Remember, Charisma is your main modifier for your spellcasting ability. Prioritize that when you can! But if you prefer having a bit of survivability or a melee focused build, then you can increase your Dexterity and Constitution as well.


Since Half-Elves can get bonuses to additional stats, you can throw them towards Dexterity and Constitution if you’re going for a good Bladelock build. Don’t be afraid to put a little bit into Wisdom and Intelligence as well. Do prioritize Charisma and Dexterity though.

Baldurs Gate 3 Best Race for Warlock

Here’s how your abilities should like if you’re going for the build we just mentioned:

Strength – 8

Dexterity – 16

Constitution – 14

Intelligence – 10

Wisdom – 10

Charisma – 17

Baldurs Gate 3 Best Race for Warlock

And those are the two best races you can pick for a Warlock in Baldur’s Gate 3. Now go and do a little bit of oathbreaking, see how your patron likes it!  

ALSO READ: Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Race for Barbarian


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