
Baldur’s Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Guide

There’s something off here!

Baldur's Gate 3 Hag Survivors

There are a lot of quests in Baldur’s Gate 3 and some of them can easily be missed. The game is just filled with so much side content that even in my third playthrough, I’ve discovered new things in the game. Some of these quests take you around places and can have some mechanics you’ll need to deal with. One of these quests is helping the Hag Survivors in Baldur’s Gate.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to help these survivors. Now get ready for some investigating and fighting because we’ll do all of that in this quest.

Help The Hag Survivors Guide

Hags are a tricky enemy to deal with both in Baldur’s Gate 3 and in DnD. They’re not like other monsters that you usually go against in a pitched battle. They’re more cunning, using spells and charms to influence the people around them. We’re here to stop that since Hags are evil, it says here on the Monster Manual, page 177.

Starting The Help The Hag Survivors Quest

To start off the quest, you’ll want to go to the south of Basilisk Gate, which is south of the Basilisk Gate Barracks. You can use the image below as reference. What we’re looking for is a notice board with pieces of paper on it.

Baldur's Gate 3 Notice Board Map Location

Once you see the notice board you can then go check the papers. The one we’ll need to read is the paper that’s titled “Anti-Hag Support Group Poster.” That might sound funny and out of place, but a lot of things happen in Baldur’s Gate that nobody really bats an eye on things like this anymore.

Baldur's Gate 3 Notice Board

Visit Barren’s Coop

Once you’ve read that piece of paper, you’ll then be tasked with going to Varren’s Coop. That place is just southeast of the Sorcerous Sundries. You can use the Heapside Stand fast travel point and just go northeast.

Baldur's Gate 3 Varren's Coop

The door to the place will be locked and you’ll need to lockpick it to get inside. The DC for the lock is 10, so it’s not that difficult to do. Any good rogue can do it, or even a bard with the right build. Whatever the case, maybe you’ll want to get in.

Baldur's Gate 3 Barely Legible Letter

You’ll then see a lot of papers in the building. What we’ll want to read, is the one on the table shown above which is called the “Barely-Legible Letter.” Once you read that, the quest will continue.

Go To Old Garlow’s Place

Now, the next place we’ll need to go to is Old Garlow’s Place, which is now Southwest of the Sorcerous Sundries building. There, you’ll find 3 NPCs inside the building talking, they’ll be weary to you at first, but you can defuse the situation with a couple of skill checks.

Baldur's Gate 3 Old Garlow's Place

If you don’t end up killing them, they’ll tell you to meet Maryina who is on the second floor. When you go upstairs, you might notice that there’s a sheep there, well, that’s Maryina.

Removing The Hex

You’ll want to talk to Maryina and when you do, so she’ll talk about a doll. That doll is part of the spell that is currently hexing her, so we’ll need to take of that.

Baldur's Gate 3 Sheep Hex

On the second floor the Doll will be at a random place, you can see and hear it since it giggles from time to time. You can see it on the image below. You’ll want to attack it to destroy it.

Before you go start swinging swords and casting spells remember this. Every time you hit the doll, Maryina gets 1 point of damage, she has 7 HP in total. Be sure to do high damage to the doll or heal her from time to time to keep her alive. Every time the doll is damaged, it teleports to a random spot on the second floor, so keep that in mind as well.

Once the doll is destroyed and Maryina is saved a cutscene will automatically play.

Baldur's Gate 3 Voodoo Doll

Completing The Quest

Once the cutscene is complete, the real enemies in Maryina’s group will appear. You’ll have to defeat them to finally finish the quest. Make sure to keep the others alive while doing so.

Baldur's Gate 3 Hag Henchman

Once you’ve defeated the last of the enemies, you can then talk to Maryina. After a short talk, she’ll then reward you with the Staff of Interruption and you’d finish the quest!

Baldur's Gate 3 Staff Of Interruption

This area and quest is actually part of a grand quest line to deal with the hag in the area. Be sure to check out our guide on how to make Hag’s Bane if you haven’t already. You’re going to need it for the quests!

That’s how you do the Help The Hag survivors quest in Baldur’s Gate 3. Now go out there and try to do it yourself!

ALSO READ: Baldur’s Gate 3: What Happens If You Give Netherstones to Gortash?


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