
Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Break Wyll’s Pact with Mizora

Breaking Wyll’s contract with Mizora!

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a recently released game that is based on the Dungeons and Dragons tabletop games. The release of the game has been received positively amongst the gaming community, with many considering it to be the next Game of the Year. With multiple classes, characters, and an expansive world to explore, players are never bound to be bored. This guide will focus on how to break Wyll’s pact with Mizora.

How to Break Wyll’s Pact with Mizora


For the first part of this quest, you need first to locate Mizora. She can be found in the Mind Flayer Hive that can be found in the Colony. This quest is part of the second act of the game, which requires players to defeat the Ketheric Thorm. After you reach the location shown in the map below, interact with the pod to initiate the first conversation with Mizora.

Mizora location

First Interaction

In this dialogue, Mizora will ask the player to get her out of the pod. In the second dialogue choice, players will have multiple options to proceed. Choose the second option which will initiate a History performance check as your character decides to remember everything they know about devils and their contracts.

History option

Once the Intelligence check is passed, you will remember an incantation. Select that incantation in the next dialogue choice. Mizora, upon hearing this, will mock you and then tell you that she will break the contract only when she is freed. To free her, the next dialogue choice will refer to ways to open to pod using the panel next to it.

Examine right device

Select the third option to examine the device on the right, and using your Intelligence, you will decipher its meaning as unleash. When the next dialogue choice appears, select the unleash option, which replaces the examine option from the previous choice. This will result in your character connecting with the device telepathically to free Mizora.

Freeing Mizora

Once Mizora is freed, she will inform the player that the contract will be released in six months if the soul bearer consents to separation. This will result in the player being confronted with another dialogue choice. To avoid fighting, select the third option to accept this deal. Mizora will end the conversation by telling you that she will find you and Wyll in the near future.

Accepting Mizora's proposal

Second Interaction

Play through the game as normal until you reach Act 3. Here you can run into Mizora at Baldur’s Gate in multiple locations. Enter Baldur’s Gate, and you should find Mizora towards the left. Talk to her to start the second interaction. She will instruct players to go up into the Audience Hall to talk to Gortash. After the conversation finishes, interact with the door on the right to head up.

Mizora in Baldur's Gate

Head to the end of the Audience Hall and talk to Gortash as he is being crowned the first Archduke of Baldur’s Gate. After the conversation ends, head out of the building and talk to Mizora at the end of the bridge. In this conversation, Mizora informs the players that Wyll’s father has been relocated and sent to his likely death. To save him, players must meet with Mizora at their camp.

Camp Interaction

After talking to Mizora on the bridge, head back to your camp and choose the option to end your day. This will result in a cutscene being played automatically, where Mizora appears with her sisters in your camp. As you are talking to Wyll, your parasite links with his transferring your memories to him and informing him of his father’s fate.

Parasite linking with Wyll

After seeing your memories, Wyll asks for a way to save his father. Upon hearing this, Mizora summons the contract and explains that a cost must be paid to break the contract. This is followed by her presenting two options. The first is that she shows the ways to Wyll’s father on the condition that he pledges his soul to her and the archdevil in an eternal pact. The second option is that Mizora breaks the pacts, but Wyll’s father dies.

Second option

After presenting these choices, players have one final dialogue choice to go through, where they have to convince Wyll which option to choose. We recommend choosing one of the last two options to break the pact since that is the goal of this article. Who knows, you might still be able to save Wyll’s father in the story.

Final dialogue choice

The conversation ends with Wyll’s pact being broken and Mizora mocking him for his choice.

Just a reminder that there are multiple ways to break Wyll’s pact with Mizora. These ways depend on the dialogue choices that you, as the player, select during your interactions with Mizora. Let us know in the comments below if you found this guide helpful and if you have any questions regarding the questline.

ALSO NEXT: Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Travel to House of Hope


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