When picking a class in any game, especially an RPG one is a tough choice. In Baldur’s Gate 3, you have a lot of classes to pick from and even a lot more subclasses within those classes. For those who haven’t played any DnD, this might be a bit too much, so you’ll want to narrow it down a bit. One way to do so is to look at two classes and compare them, and that’s what we’re going to show you.
In this guide, we’ll show you which one is better, the Warlock or the Druid? We’ll touch on their mechanics, spells and possible utility.
Warlock vs Druid – Which Is Better?
There are a lot of spellcasters in DnD and in Baldur’s Gate 3. All of them are quite unique and give different gameplay styles and features to spice things up. We’ll cover two very different spellcasters, the Warlock and the Druid. Now, let’s see what these classes has to offer.
In the lore, warlocks are usually people that got their magic through an otherworldly patron. Sometimes that patron is just a devil, which isn’t that rare in fantasy. Other Warlocks get their magic from the great old ones, basically Cthulhu. Wherever their power comes from this class has some quirks that are different from other spell casters.
The Warlock is a Charisma Spellcaster, which means they use their Charisma Stat for their spells. Charisma also effects skills like Persuasion and Deception giving you some utility outside of combat. What makes the very different from other spellcasters is the way their spells work.

At Level 1 Warlocks get 1 Spell Slot, that means you can cast one spell before you’re out of juice. At level 2 they get 2 spell slots, at level 11 they get 3. For comparison, Druids get a total of 9 spell slots at Level 5.
So why do Warlocks get so few spell slots? That’s because Warlocks always casts their leveled spells, at the highest possible spell level. That means if a Level 5 Warlock casts the Level 1 spell Witch Bolt, the spell will always be cast as if you’re casting it with a 3rd level spell slot, meaning more damage!
Not only that, but Warlocks regain their spell points at a short rest! No other Spellcaster can do that unless they have a special feature. The Warlock also gets Eldritch Blast, a cantrip that you can cast an infinite number of times. Warlocks get special features called Eldritch Invocations, and some of them add features to Eldritch Blast. From increasing their damage to pushing or pulling enemies and even increasing its range. This will be your go to spell if you want to save on spell slots.
Druids are one of the more interesting spell casters in DnD and in the game. They’re a Wisdom spell caster, which also means they can affect skills like Animal Handling, Perception and even Medicine. They’re the types of casters that need to prepare their spells, which means every long rest they’ll pick which spells they can cast. The beauty of the druid lies in how they get their spells.
When most spellcasters level up they pick what new spells they want to learn. Druids don’t do that, because they learn all their spells automatically. That means you’ll get a lot of choices when it comes to spells.

The Druid also has Wild Shape, which means you get to transform to different animals. From small rats that can sneak around to wolves and even a bear. Think of it as an extra pool of health in combat, since when you reach 0 HP while in wild shape then you just turn back to your regular character. This can make Druids actually tanky because some animals like the bears have a lot of HP.
Warlock Or Druid?
It really depends on what you’re aiming for in the game. If you want to have consistent good damage as long as you roll well, go with the Warlock. The Eldritch Blast is their main weapon, and their spells are supercharged all the time. What they lack are utility spells that the Druid has.

Druids can learn more spells than the Warlock and not only that but there are a lot of utility spells. From buffing and healing your allies to talking to animals and so on. The Druid also has a lot of damaging spells as well if you want to make them more into combat. This gives them more versatility unlike the Warlock.
In my opinion, the Druid really just covers a lot more bases than the Warlock. The Warlock can be powerful in the field but lacks in other departments that can be a pain in the story parts of the game.
That’s the Druid and the Warlock for Baldur’s Gate 3. If you want to check out the other classes in the game, go look at our overview of the all the classes for more information!
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