Black Desert Online is one of the MMOs out there that still has a steady following, with thousands of players playing it everyday it’s still one of the top MMOs out there. The game has a lot of systems that players need to know, and despite giving you a chance to do it all on your own pace, there are some mechanics that require other systems to be doing first before even trying. For example, you can’t just start cooking unless you have the ingredients which you can either buy or gather yourself. It’s a web of mechanics and the player is expected to learn them as they try new things. In this guide we’ll show you how to tame wild horses inn the game.
How To Tame Wild Horses In BDO
Before you go running around chasing wild horses and spooking them off you first need a couple of things. First is you need Lumps of Sugar, which can be made or bought, same with Capturing Ropes which you can easily get from Stable Keepers. Once you have both you’ll need to put them into your hotbar so that you don’t fiddle around in the middle of a horse chase.

Once you have a good number of both items you’ll then need to find a wild horse, once you found one you need to remember that there’s a certain range where you can use the Capturing Rope without spooking out the horse. If you get too close the horse will run away so keep that in mind.

Once you use the Capturing Rope on the horse a series of minigames will play out, the main one is where you tap space bar repeatedly. You don’t have to get the entire right side red, just make sure the red progress bar is at the right before the timer runs out.

After each minigame set you’ll get closer and closer until you see the UI shown in the above image above. From there you can either try your luck and mount the horse or use an Item to like the Lump of Sugar to increase your chances.

Once you’ve tamed the horse you’ll then need to guide it to the closest stable, talk to the Stable Keeper and Register the Wild Horse.
Congratulations you now know how to tame wild horses in Black Desert Online, now go out there and find those horses! Many thanks to Violet Astray for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Black Desert Online (BDO) – How to Tame a Horse – YouTube
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