BDO Top 5 Beginner Classes In 2022

BDO: Top 5 Beginner Classes In 2022

Elijah Hernandez
9 Min Read

The key to having fun playing a video game is by choosing a character or class that suits your playstyle. If you like being up close and personal, then pick a melee focused character. If you like using your fists instead of weapons, then the Monk (or whatever it’s called in the game you’re playing) is your class to choose. Same goes if you want to pick a range class. The first step to having fun is picking a character that looks fun to you, which is why we’ll help you pick the best Beginner classes for starting players in BDO.

Top 5 Beginner Classes In 2022 – BDO 

Black Desert Online - Guardian awakening update arriving in English server  next month - MMO Culture

The first class beginners should consider getting is the Awakened Guardian class. Due to the incredibly low APM (Actions Per Minute, for all of you casual gamers out there who are confused). This allows starting players to learn the games mechanics and grind comfortably for hours at a comfortable pace. Not to mention that the Awakened Guardians skills can heal you while fighting. But the Awakened Guardians mobility is quite low, so remember that if you’re choosing a class.

However, bear in mind that Awakened Guardian is a PvE focused class, and may struggle at times with PvP. Succession Guardian is mostly used for PvP, as Awakened Guardian is designed for PvE with its AoE attacks. 

HD wallpaper: Video Game, Black Desert Online, Wizard (Black Desert Online)

Second on the list technically contains two classes, but they function similarly to each other so we decided to combine them. That would be the Wizard or Witch classes. Once again, the Awakened specialization for these two classes is the most recommended because of its low APM.

These two classes have a lot of hotbar skills to use. The combat of Black Desert Online is very different compared to other games like Final Fantasy XIV or World of Warcraft. There are different fighting elements that almost make you feel like you’re playing Devil May Cry, which is why the combat might scare some players off as it’s too complicated for them to understand and were expecting something else different.

But the Wizard and Witch classes have the traditional hotbar skills, meaning that you can play a much more complexed version of the usual MMO, but you’ll get the hang of it once you start learning how to play with the Witch and Wizard. 

Let’s not forget that the Wizards and Witches have ridiculously powerful AoE attacks that can cover almost half of the battlefield. They are also great healers. Combining these two together makes them the most sought out classes when doing Raids or Sieges.

Just like the Guardian however, the Awakened versions of these two classes are not very good when it comes to PvP, and they mostly shine when using the Succession specialization.

BDO KR reaction to Lahn Awakening: Powerful grab but long skill cooldown &  low accuracy - Inven Global

This one’s for all of you assassin/rogue fans out there. If you’re into having high damage and fast mobility, then Lahn is for you. There is a twist between the Succession and Awakened forms, as Awakened still retains the high APM, Succession Lahn is considered the best at PvE this time. 

The damage and mobility of Succession Lahn, not to mention the skill rotations, makes Lahn a beast. While Succession Lahn excels in PvE, Awakened Lahn does PvP well (talk about a switcheroo). Thanks to Awakened Lahn’s long range grab, you can pull in enemy players from afar and hit them with crowd control attacks. 

Nova Class Guide – Black Desert Foundry

Coming off from the high DPS and fast mobility of Lahn, we move on to the next class in the list, which is Nova. Specifically, the Succession Nova. This class is considered the polar opposite of Lahn, due to its very slow mobility but very high defense, making it a tank class. 

With Nova, you have a large shield that you can bloc with. Pressing the block button will pull Nova’s shield up that also brings Nova’s defense up as well. Succession Nova has low APM, but the skills are slow to hit. However, when they do hit, they hit like a bulldozer. Nova can knock down enemies with a single swipe of the Morningstar, imagine what happens when skills are used.

Nova can also summon pets, specifically shadow soldiers that act as a sort of range attack. Not only can you chain them into your combos, you can also use them to defend yourself when being attacked. It also brings back your health too. 

But if you have severely low health, one of your summoned soldiers will go berserk and start knocking down enemies left and right as a way to protect you so you can get your health back up before you get knocked down. It also grants you an increase in damage, just in case you want to take some enemies down with you.

Bear in mind that Succession Nova has certain skills that requires health in order to cast them. Yes, you will be draining your health in order to perform some of the skills in-game. However, you also have access to your potions and skills that heal you. As long as you know when to cast those skills or use potions, using the health draining skills won’t affect you too much.

Attacking with Nova is fairly simple and easy to remember. Nova can attack with close to mid-range attacks and can back away while blocking with the shield. Use this to your advantage by attacking as much as you can before stepping back to give yourself some breathing room.

Black Desert Online: Striker Pre-Awakening Combo Guide | AllGamers

Last on the list, and is quite possibly the best class to use, is the Awakened Striker. Currently a favorite among veteran players in Black Desert Online due to its powerful attacks and knockback skills, as well as the ability to build your evasion stat, the Awakened Striker is a great class to start with.

Awakened Striker’s skill can be easily learned, but the skill ceiling is very high, meaning that mastering Awakened Striker will take time to do so. But don’t let that discourage you, as Awakened Striker’s combat can be easily understood. It’s the skill rotation, combos, and other gameplay factors that make Awakened Striker intimidating for beginning players.

The Awakened Striker has great mobility with devastating damage, and having high evasion stats can make getting hit almost impossible with how much you move around. You also have two grabs that allow you to, well, grab enemies and slam them around.

The APM for Awakened Striker is only a little bit better than Succession Nova, but you will barely notice it with how much you’re moving around like a maniac. 

Awakened Strike can be used for any content in the game, ranging from PvE all the way to Raids and Siege. Maining an Awakened Striker is very dangerous, as you might not want to try other classes. However, at the end of the day, your preference will outweigh any guide that suggests anything to you. It’s your character, do what feels right.

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Elijah Hernandez is someone that loves video games since he was little. It didn't matter to him if people didn't like a video game. If it was fun, that was all that mattered to him. He's also a huge fan of superhero media like Marvel and DC, so he's practically played games like Spider-Man and the Batman Arkham games. He's also into multiplayer games that strike his fancy, specifically games like Call of Duty and Fortnite. Most especially Fortnite since he can play as different Marvel and DC characters in a battle royale against other famous and iconic characters.
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