Isn’t it strange how a platform such as Roblox seems to have a game for literally everything? All you have to do is type up what you want, and it’ll pop up on Roblox. Don’t believe me? Well then, I’m feeling random, and I want to be a bee. Well, what do you know! Bee Swarm Simulator! It’s really good, too. That being said, if you’re going to play this, then you’d better learn all about grabbing the necessary materials! Here’s the Best Material Guide for your romp through Bee Swarm Simulator.
Best Material Guide
It’s understandable to bee (heh) a little lost when it comes to this game, especially with regard to materials. Fortunately, I’m here to make things a little easier. First off, let’s have a quick rundown of the various materials you’ll be collecting in this game.
- Enzymes
- Glitter
- Glue
- Red Extract
- Blue Extract

Pretty simple, right? I know that Glitter and Glue aren’t exactly the kind of materials a bee swam would be trying to go after, but hey, you can’t fault them for taking creative liberties! Overall, it’s a pretty simple process (and fun to boot), so how about we get started?

To get this out of the way, yes, it’s possible to craft Enzymes through the Blender option in the game. To do so, you’ll need:
- Pineapple Chunk x50
- Royal Jelly x10
Enzymes are crucial materials in this game, so it’s understandable why it would take so many resources to create. Of course, the Blender isn’t the only way you can get Enzyme in this game. Here’s a full list of other ways to get Enzymes!
Rare Drops from Leaves in the Pineapple Patch and Spider Field
This one is pretty self-explanatory. As a bee, it’s your job to gather materials from wherever you can, and it just so happens that Leaves are one of those things. You can think of them as mobs that drop various types of loot. Yes, I know, Leaves as a mob doesn’t exactly sound very exciting. But hey, you’re a bee, so you shouldn’t be having delusions of grandeur!
Getting Quests from Bears
There are many different Bears in this game that can help you get the Enzymes you need. These include:
- Black Bear
- Spirit Bear
- Science Bear
- Polar Bear
Why exactly does a bee have to take quests from Bears? It’s because they both start with the letter B. Just kidding, I don’t actually know why. Still, you can get Enzymes from their quests so it’s pretty cool. Oh hey, if you’re interested, you can also have a look at how to get tickets as fast as possible!
Drops from Mobs
Now I know that we’ve already talked about Leaves, but that’s a special case. In this particular part of the guide, you should know that these are actually mobs that you end up fighting within the game. These mobs include:
- Scorpions
- Spiders
- Werewolves
- Stick Bugs
- Stick Nymphs
- Defense Totems
While many of the mobs tend to drop random loot, you’ll find the best luck with Enzymes by going after these mobs in particular. You know, I’m starting to think that the bees from this game aren’t quite like the bees we have in real life.
Rare Drops from Sprouts
Growing Sprouts is yet another method of getting the materials you need. However, it’s a rare drop, so you’ll have to keep grinding if you want to get those Enzymes! The thing is, Roblox generally revolves around grinding. In a way, it’s therapeutic, so it’s not too bad to gather Enzymes from Sprouts.
Funny enough, despite the fact that Sprout grinding still takes time, it is one of two methods that I would consider to be the ideal way of gathering Enzymes.
Drops from Planters in the Pineapple Patch
Keep in mind that while Planters are available in other areas, the Pineapple Patch should be the primary location. Based from experience, it’s far more likely to get what you need from the Pineapple Patch.
Playing the Memory Match Game
Roblox most certainly loves its games within games, doesn’t it? Whenever you play a game, chances are you’ve got to play a kind of minigame inside. In the case the Bee Swarm Simulator, you’ll want to play the Memory Match Game to gather the Enzymes.
Keep in mind that there’s the regular Memory Match, and there’s also the Supreme Memory Match. Of the two, you’ll want to focus on Supreme Memory Match.
Aside from Sprout grinding, the Memory Match Game is the ideal way of gathering Enzymes.
Gathering Tokens across the Map
Last but certainly not least, there are little tokens scattered across the map that you can exchange for various items, including Enzymes. Since you’re wandering around anyway, you might as well keep an eye out!
Okay, now that we’ve tackled Enzymes, time to talk about Glitter!

You know the drill. Let’s start with the materials needed from the Blender:
- Moon Charm x25
- Magic Bean x1
Not quite as grindy, but of course, there are other ways to gather Glitter in this game. Similar to the Enzyme, you actually have quite a few different methods to choose from!
Getting Quests from Bears
Just like with the Enzymes, there are many Bears in this game that can help you get the Glitter you need. These include:
- Black Bear
- Dapper Bear
- Science Bear
- Spirit Bear
- Polar Bear
As always, you’ll need to choose the quests that give you the materials you want. Not too bad for a day’s work!
Firefly Generation
During Night Time, you’ve probably noticed some Fireflies wandering about. These Fireflies can generate Glitter Tokens, and they can also generate Moon Charms. In a way, you’re killing two birds with one stone by looking for Glitter dropped by Fireflies, as you also receive the resources necessary to craft it. While we’re on this topic, you’ll also want to learn how to farm Star Jelly!
Donating to the Wind Shrine
As you play the game, you’ll find that you can donate items to various shines, including the Wind Shrine. You get certain items for doing so, including Glitter. Keep in mind that it’s rare, so you can’t always expect them to drop. However, it never hurts to donate to the Wind Shrine just in case.
Drops from Mobs
Yup yup, this item drops from various mobs as well. I suppose it’s not such a bad idea to have a Macro set so that you can automatically go after these mobs. That said, if you don’t know how (or are playing on mobile) then you might want to check other methods because these are rare drops. That said, they can drop from the following:
- Werewolves
- Mantises
- Diamond Aphids
There are other mobs that can drop Glitter, but I would say that the highest rates come from the mobs above.
Rare Drops from Sprouts
Well what do you know — even more things you can gather from Sprouts! This is one of the reasons why Sprout Grinding is so useful in this game. Not only do you have a chance of getting Enzymes, but you also have a chance of getting Glitter as well. Overall, a very cool method and once again, one of the best methods for gathering Glitter.
Rare Drops from harvesting the Spider Field, Dandelion Field, and Pineapple Patch
We’ve been out there battling mobs and doing all sorts of crazy things — sometimes, all a bee wants to do is harvest! So, I bring all bee lovers this wonderful tip: you can harvest Glitter from the Spider Field, Dandelion Field, and Pineapple Patch. Unleash your inner bee!
Playing the Memory Game
The Memory Game is once again a fantastic spot for you to gather your Glitter. It’s a great way to build your materials, as the Memory Game offers many prizes. Of course, the Supreme Memory Match is still the uh, supreme way of getting the job done.
While I understand that you’d want to do something else other than play a memory minigame, keep in mind that this is still one of the best ways to get Glitter, as well as other useful items.
Gathering Tokens across the Map
Once again, there are little tokens scattered across the map that you can exchange for various items, including Glitter. It’s pretty much the same deal as Enzymes.
If you’re wondering what the best method is, I honestly just craft these because of how common the materials are. The Blender is your best friend!
Now that we’ve got that done, it’s time for Glue!

All right, you’re well aware of the pattern by now. Let’s have a look at what it takes to craft this thing in a Blender — which is honestly a weird way to craft things… oh by the way, we have a separate guide for getting Glue fast!
- Gumdrop x50
- Royal Jelly x10
Oh, if you want to craft Glue, you’ll also need to completely quest from the following:
- Black Bear
- Science Bear
- Brown Bear
- Polar Bear
Got the list memorized? Good! Let’s look into the other ways you can get Glue.
Drops from Mobs
Of course, you can fight mobs for Glue similar to other materials. The mobs include:
- Werewolves
- Spiders
- King Beetles
- Tunnel Bears
- Stump Snail (Guaranteed Drop!)
That’s right, the Stump Snail is a guaranteed drop if you find yourself low on Glue. They drop around 5 of the material on average. It’s a pretty good deal, if you ask me.
Drops from Harvesting Dandelion Field and Pumpkin Field
While these aren’t necessarily the only fields that can drop Glue, it’s important to note that the Dandelion Field and Pumpkin Field yield the most rewards if you’re looking for Glue.
Claiming Glue from the Glue Dispenser in the Gummy Bears Lair
Okay, I know what you’re thinking: there’s a Glue Dispenser??? Why bother with anything else? I’m not going to lie; this is definitely one of the best ways to do it. The Glue you can get from this dispenser depends on your Gumdrop Badge.
Gummy Sprout Grinding
Grinding for Sprouts is usually one of the best ways to get various materials. In this particular case, you can grind Gummy Sprouts because they have the best chance of dropping Glue. It’s not such a bad deal, and the different materials you get also ensures that your time isn’t wasted solely on gathering Glue.
Donating to the Wind Shrine
As you play the game, you’ll find that you can donate items to various shines, including the Wind Shrine — okay you already read about this, so you know what to expect. Make sure to donate when you can!
Planting a Gummy Planter in the Stump Field
Now, this is pretty specific, but it’s undoubtedly one of the best ways of gathering Glue. The drops are fantastic, and you’re guaranteed to get quite a lot from the Gummy Planter. It rewards ten Glue each time, but there’s also a chance to get twenty! Sure, you might not always get lucky, but trust me, it’s well worth the effort. You’ll also want to learn how to get more gifted bees!
Playing the Memory Game
The Memory Game is, yet again, great for items such as Glue. It’s a great way to build your materials, as the Memory Game offers many prizes. Of course, the Supreme Memory Match is your best bet. Your supreme bet.
Gathering Tokens across the Map
Once again, there are little tokens scattered across the map that you can exchange for various items, including Glue. I know it’s just a repeat, but these Tokens are really useful.
Now that we’ve gotten Glue out of the way, it’s time for the next item, Red Extract!
Red Extract

I have this Blender right here. You know what I’m gonna do with it, right?
- Strawberry x50
- Royal Jelly x10
The items aren’t too bad, though it’s certainly much easier to craft Glitter. Okay, now let’s get to the different methods of gathering Red Extract!
Drops from Mobs
Ah, here we are again. Bees. Fighting other creatures to the death. Like Werewolves. Anyways, these are the mobs that can drop Red Extract:
- Ladybugs
- Scorpions
- Tunnel Bears
- King Beetles (Common Drop)
- Enraged Alphid (Common Drop)
Oh hey, it’s actually not a bad idea to try to get Red Extract from mobs, as it’s a common drop from the last two. If you’ve got a fair bit of bloodlust and you want to unleash your inner killer bee, feel free to go to town! While you’re at it, have a look our mid game guide for Bee Swarm Simulator!
Quests from Bears (?)
These Bears always seem to have quests, don’t they?
- Black Bear
- Science Bear
- Riley Bee
Wait a minute, is that a bee among the bears? Yeah, there are NPC Bees that will also give you quests!
Rare Drops from Sprouts
I am most definitely a broken record at this point, and I’m running out of cool things to say about Growing and Grinding Sprouts for drops. All I can say is that you should be sure to do it, as you get tons of materials. This has pretty much popped up for every item so far!
SIDE NOTE: You’ll want to learn how to get sticker planters, fast!
Playing the Memory Match Game
Aside from the Sprouts, you’ll often find that the Memory Match Game will always have the item you need. All you have to do is match the item that you want (such as Red Extract in this case), and it’ll give you what you need. I mean, why even play the rest of the game? Just play Memory Match and find yourself the master of Bee Swarm Simulator!
Gathering Tokens across the Map
Once again, there are little tokens scattered across the map that you can exchange for various items, including Red Extract. You know the drill! The beedrill (don’t sue, Nintendo). With Red Extract, it feels like Christmas! Well, Beesmas. Oh, if you’re interested we actually have a guide on Beesmas in this game!
Are you interested in the best possible ways to get Red Extract? Similar to Glitter, my favorite method is just crafting through the Blender. Otherwise, it’s also a good idea to go after mobs. Once again, however, the Memory Match Game is one of the best ways to get any material you want.
Now that we’re done with this, let’s get Blue Extracts!
Blue Extract

Oh hi Blender, I didn’t see you there! What? We’re gonna be crafting Blue Extract next? Sure, why not.
- Blueberry x50
- Royal Jelly x10
I suppose you could have already guessed what the items were going to be based on the Red Extract list. I’m going to go ahead and let you know that this is also one of the best ways to get Blue Extract.
Even more Quests from Bears (and Bees)
- Black Bear
- Science Bear
- Buckle Bee
These Bears (and Bees) really do come in clutch when it comes to helping you gather materials. Sure, you need to do some questing for them, but it’s not so bad.
Drops from Mobs
As always, you’ve got various mobs you can fight for the items you need. Why these mobs have what is essentially strawberry jam, I’ll never know.
- Rhino Beetles
- Diamond Aphids
- King Beetles (Common Drop)
If you’re going to be battling mobs for your items, I would suggest going after the King Beetle. It’s not only a great source of Red Extract (not blood I promise), but also Blue Extract (not blue blood I promise).
Gathering Tokens across the Map
Ha hah, I have bamboozled you by placing the Tokens in another spot! Anyways, once again, there are little tokens scattered across the map that you can exchange for various items, including Blue Extract. You know the drill! The beedrill (don’t sue, Nintendo).
You know what to do with Sprouts
Sprouts are just super useful in this game aren’t they? If you’re going to be playing Bee Swarm Simulator and are looking for the Best Material Guide, maybe I should have just had a single sentence: go for Sprouts.
Memory Game Shenanigans
Let’s be real here, if you’re not going for Sprouts, you’re probably going for the Memory Match Game. It’s extremely useful, and it has everything you need.
That’s about it!

I know we talked a whole lot about the different materials and how to get them, but that’s pretty much the long and short of it! I hope you got something useful from the Best Material Guide out there.
Honestly, the game’s all about being a bee, so my advice is to just chill and gather items at your own pace. Make sure to have fun! One of the best things about this game is the fact that you can live your life as a bee, but also fight Werewolves! I’m not sure why I mentioned this, but I thought this was kind of important.
Oh, while you’re here: Interested in getting a crucial sticker in the game? Here’s how you can get the Standing Beekeeper Sticker!