Best F2P Units to Solo Dungeon in Anime Vanguards Update 4.5

Best F2P Units to Solo Dungeon in Anime Vanguards Update 4.5

Is it wrong to pick up F2P Units for dungeons? (If you know, you know)

Aaron Rabaya
5 Min Read

Anime Vanguards has some really good units to look out for, especially if you’re a fan of some of them. If you’re a free-to-play player like me, then you want the absolute best units you can pick without spending a dime. Without further ado, here are some of the best F2P units you can use to dungeon solo in Anime Vanguards (Update 4.5)!

Best F2p Units to Solo Dungeon

Here are a few key factors that you should keep in mind when attempting to do dungeons solo:

  • Know how many units you can place.
  • Understand which units synergize together.
  • Picking the easiest dungeon modifiers when you are playing solo.

If you think that’s a lot to comprehend, don’t worry! With enough time and hours in the game, you will be able to apply these principles more naturally. In the meantime, let’s focus on which units you should prioritize.

The following units are not listed according to rank but are noted for their relevance towards playing dungeons solo. The placement of each unit does not indicate their strength over the other. Feel free to read this table in any order you enjoy!

CharacterThings to Note About Unit
IchigoAs a must-have for dungeon runs, he is one of the strongest units with the highest DPS for a short time due to his nuke ability. Ichigo benefits from raid and dungeon buffs, making him even stronger.He has a cheap max-out cost between 48,000–49,000. All-around great choice.
IgrosIgros is considered the best unit for veterans when doing solo dungeons. He has full AoE attacks and additional buffs that make him extremely valuable for any player.He is not cheap to max out and is now unavailable for newer players to grind. 
Song JinWu (Base)The buff he receives when playing dungeons gives him a great boost to overall damage.He is also an essential unit for quest progression.
EmmieThis unit has the ability to slow enemies down with her Slow debuff. Overall, a good utility unit.You can place four (4) Emmie units which can help cover areas more effectively.
Cha-InConsidered the best unit for solo dungeons. She has the capacity to place five (5) units which is great at covering ground. Like Ichigo, she has a very low max-out cost. Also has great buffs when playing dungeon mode.
LuceAnother great unit for dungeons because of their passive ability: Nullify. This ability negates the overshield mechanic of enemies—making it easier to clear. 

Additional Tips

Always remember that being F2P is not a disadvantage. Your units can do the same job as higher units can. It’s all about how you strategize your placements to maximize each of your character’s strengths.

Emmie’s Slow debuff can be a great tool to enable your F2P setup more effectively. She can create more windows of opportunity for your other units to deal damage. 

The main takeaway from this guide is to make sure you have Cha-In as your core unit within your team. Just her alone can turn the tide of some of the dungeons you will play in. She is an amazing choice for both F2P and luxury setups, so don’t miss out on her!

I hope this guide was able to help fellow budget-team comp enjoyers such as me. Choosing the best F2P units to dungeon solo in Anime Vanguards (Update 4.5) can be daunting for newer players. I understand the challenges of being F2P, but that’s what also makes it fun—the challenge. At least for me! If you want to eventually expand your choice of characters (*ahem*, spending some money 😂), then we have a tier list of the best units in Anime Vanguards that you should check out! 

Aaron is an up and coming writer who adores coop-based videogames. He enjoys the thrill of teamwork while sharing a laugh with his friends. He is also a fan of playing older titles like Fallout or the Batman Arkham series, but never refuses to try out new games. Especially games where he could hop on with others. To him, the best experience is an experience shared with others.
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