Super Box Siege Defense has been a popular game for a while, even making a comeback at one point. There are so many characters that players can choose in the game to bolster their defenses against the enemy. Each character provides a string of abilities and moves that can be used to ensure that you are able to defeat against their siege.
Some characters are more powerful and effective than others. So, we have prepared a Tier List in which we will rank characters based on how strong and useful they are in the game. This Tier List can even serve as a guide if you aren’t sure which character you should be leaning towards in the game. Let’s dive into this Tier List!
Best Tier List in Super Box Siege Defense
There are a total of 24 Characters in the game that you can use to bolster your defenses. We will divide them into Tiers while also providing reasons for why each character belongs in its respective Tier. Keep in mind that we will also consider the price for the units when ranking them.
There are a variety of badges that you can also get in the game. Check out this How To Get Escape Badge Guide if you need help with obtaining it.

The Best
- Thunderman – The best unit in the game is Thunderman by far. He has a little hammer that can be used to smash opponents.
- There is also a giant AoE attack that he can use until the boom box breaks and reverts to the original Tesla Stun. He has 5000 HP which can sometimes glitch but overall, he is an incredibly strong unit to have.
S Tier
- Ultra Titan Telescope Man – There are so many moves that the Ultra Titan Telescope Man comes with. He can fly and has a Gravity Gun that can pull almost all enemies on the map towards him.
- There is an Orb Attack he does that can do 500 Damage and he has a whopping 8500 HP. In essence, he can inflict crazy amounts of damage.
- Ultra Titan Boombox Man – You can use very crazy moves if you have the Ultra Titan Boombox Man. He has the ability to use both his guns at once where he shoots two Orbs at once.
- There is also a special attack which allows him to jump in the air and rapidly fire numerous orbs at once.
- Titan Teslaman – The Titan Teslaman has a very high health pool with 3600 HP. He also comes with a diverse move set where he can Quick Stun enemies and use a Storm ability which inflicts a large AoE attack.
- This character also comes equipped with the Titan Punch tool that further makes him powerful.
- The Creator – The Creator is an exceptional unit because he can spawn a variety of enemies. This includes the Boombox Man for rapidly healing everyone around, three Telescopemen for insane DPS damage, and a Teslaman Summon to stun.
- He also has 2000 HP with the Ninja Attack at spawn making him a really strong unit.
A Tier
- Damaged Titan Telescope Man – The Damaged Titan Telescope Man is also pretty good with a high 3850 HP. He has a Saw Attack which he used to slash down at enemies alongside Titan Punch and Stomp.
- While this doesn’t impact his attacks, he has a really cool Taunt ability that deserves a shout out!
- Titan Boombox Man – Among the Titans, Titan Boombox Man is really strong. He has the ability to shoot orbs and do a pretty strong Stomp.
- Additionally, he can use a Titan Punch Tool in combat. He is also the first character to have a functional Jetpack and you can get him for only 75 Robux.
- Tesla Girl – There is one ability that makes Tesla Girl really overpowered. It is her ability to infect a Box and switch them over to your side. She can infect a variety of enemies, including Supreme ones.
- In particular, Supreme Striders can be used as a turrent to barrage enemies with bullets. Besides that, she can also Teleport and do a Flame Tesla Stun which makes her even better.
- Ultra Ninja Telescope Man – The Ultra Ninja Telescope Man is the upgraded version of the normal Ninja Telescope Man. He is basically a stronger and more HP version of him with some amazing abilities.
- He has an Execute that can be used on weaker opponents with the Flight Ability. The Jetpack is one of the fastest in the entire game making him an overall great unit to have.
- The Mech Telescope – The best free character in the game is by far The Mech Telescope. This is primarily because of the damage dealing options you can get from this unit.
- It has a disinfect gun, Stun Gun, Stun Dart, Rocket Launcher and ability to go invisible. It also has a lot of HP but the only issue is that it can be slow to move.
- Large Tesla Man – The Large Tesla Man has the ability to teleport and has 1000 HP. He can also use the generator on his head to do a strong stun ability.
- You can get him from the TV character pack which costs Robux.
- Strider Telescope – While he may be slow, Strider Telescope has a lot to offer. He starts with a Disinfecting Tool that he can shoot really fast and do a lot of DPS with.
- He also has a Cannon Shooting tool that can be used to fire a really strong explosive bullet at enemies. Provided, of course, you can aim it properly in the heat of battle.

B Tier
- Teslamen – With 250 HP and a variety of abilities, Teslamen are pretty solid characters. They have much more health than most baseline characters and have the ability to do an AoE stun.
- With the ability to also go invisible and get a speed boost, Teslamen can be a great addition to your defense.
- Boombox Woman – Mobility is the name of the game when it comes to the Boombox Woman. She is the best character if you want high speed gameplay.
- This is because she can Sprint really fast with the ability to double jump. She has an ability where she can shoot Knives as well using her boombox.
- Sharpshooter Telescopewoman – is pretty decent because she has the ability to summon units. The only problem is that summoning units has a very long cooldown which reduces this move’s efficiency a lot.
- Her homing projectiles are strong but require you to click on the enemy and are only really useful in open areas. Otherwise, they’ll get blocked.
- Ninja Telescope Man – The non-upgraded Ninja Telescope Man comes with a variety of pretty decent abilities. He comes with defense, ability to heal, a ninja attack along with slice and dice.
- There is also the passive of deflecting which is really useful against ranged attackers.
- Large Boombox Man – The Large Boombox Man has 700 HP which is a lot. He also comes with an AoE Sound Blast that he can use to attack enemies.
- At the same time, he also has a Stomp and a Punch, and you can use this unit to even take down a Supreme Box.
- Boombox Strider – There are not many scenarios in which you would pick Boombox Strider. He comes with an AoE healing ability which is not the best but can be great if you have a bunch of Titans in your team.
- Besides that, he has a Sound Blast AoE move that doesn’t do a lot of damage but has an AoE making him decent.
- Scientist Telescope Man – For your Support needs, we have the Scientist Telescope Man. This unit does have 100 HP but starts off with a Stun Gun and an Anti-Parasite Gun.
- So, you can use him to stun enemies while also disinfecting yourself or your other units. At the same time, he can also heal himself making him a solid support.
C Tier
- Titan Telescope Man – For the price you need to get it, The Titan Telescope Man is pretty underwhelming. He has a Core Laser Attack, Core Blast, and the ability to summon three Telescopemen.
- Also, he comes with a two punch move which is strong. But you need a game pass to get him and for what you are getting, this can be really disappointing.
- Telescope Men – Are pretty baseline characters in the game. They have some good abilities like healing, and defense which allows them to be invulnerable for some time.
- Besides that, however, they do not have anything remarkable to talk about.
- Large Telescope Man – The Large Telescope Man is also a pretty okay unit. He has 300 HP which is a lot making him ideal for defense.
- He also starts off with a punch tool, and can also use other spawn weapons, making him good for defending against a siege.
D Tier
- Super Telescope Man– The Super Telescope Man is a pretty solid character but is underwhelming because of its price. It has 650 HP which is good, but the stomp and orb abilities just do not do much.
- They only target one character a time which can seem like a waste. If you add in its ability to jump high, it is still not enough to use this unit.
The Worst
- Boom Box Man – The Boom Box Man can provide radius healing but has 90 HP which is 10 less than units like him. This trade off really isn’t very worth it.
- At the same time, he can also reveal all enemies in the area, but the combination of these abilities is simply overshadowed by other characters.
That’s all the units covered in the current state of the game for this Tier List. As you can see, the game has a variety of characters that you can use. Of course, nothing is set in stone, and some of the lower tier characters may even suit your style of play. However, this tier list can be used as a guide to ascertain whether units that need to be bought with Robux are worth it or not.
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