Getting through the progression of the server is very important and sometimes can be hard. That is why in this Season Server Progression guide we will be talking about how you can advance from the beginning level all the way to the end with Tuvala Gear. Let’s see what you’ll need to do.
Beginner’s Guide to Season Server Progression – Black Desert Online
First of all, you will log into the Black Desert Online and you will actually need to log into a Season Server. You will need to Create a new Character. When given the option you will need to select to create a seasonal character.
When you enter the game you will have an option to choose the new region or the old region to be your beginner’s quest. You will want to start in the new area – the Neverwinter Area. Follow the main quest line to level 56.
When you get to the point of choosing the normal questline path or the combat path, we suggest that you pick the Combat path. This will allow you to progress to the game much faster and to level up as fast as possible too. If you want to learn about the lore and background of the game stick with the other type of path available.

You will want to get some Naru Gear and then progress and enhance it all the way to the maximum. You will want to get a lot of Beginner Black Stones. They will allow you to level the Naru Gear up as much as possible.
The best way will be to actually stack up on them as many as you can. Then once you have a lot and get the option to actually upgrade your gear you will do so. You will get a lot of Black Stones so don’t be scared to be using a lot of them.

Then just create and enhance the Naru as much as possible You will want to hit the skip animation so you’ll be faster. You will need RNG ruck as well to get some of the best enhancements possible. Keep an eye out on the durability of it too so it doesn’t break.
The goal is to get to Pen Naru Gear. Then you will hit Convert and get the Pri Tuvala Gear. This is the main armor that you’ll want for seasons. You will want to level it up to Pen too.
Once the season is done you will actually be able to keep all of the items that you’ve created on the same character. That’s one of the great assets of playing on a Season server.
When you’ve reached level 56 you will want to enhance your Tuvala Gear as far as you can get it.
Make sure that you’re finishing the Season Progression Items. You can open it on the top right corner of the screen.

Then on the left bar, you will see all sorts of challenges that you might have finished and you will hit the Claim Reward bar. You will have a lot of things to do and get a lot of very cool items. Make sure that you do not go skipping out on these as they will prove very beneficial for you.

Now you are level 56, what to do next? Well, our suggestion will be to go grinding into the map of Desert Nagas. The main reason being is that you will make a very decent amount of money and you will be able to get the Blackstones that it offers. There are multiple daily quests that you can finish in this dungeon as well. You can get lots of Tuvala Ores here too.
Then after you get 190 you will want to get to Blood Wolf Settlement. You will enhance your Tuvala Gear and you’ll be good to go!
That is all that you’ll need to know for the Server Progression in seasonal servers. We hope that this Season Server Progression guide was helpful to you. A big thank you to Putman Gaming from YouTube. You can check him out here.
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