Blacktail is one of the newer games that came out this month and it’s an action adventure game that follows the legend of the Baba Yaga. You play as the young girl Yaga as she is cast out of his home for being suspected of doing witchcraft, which was pretty normal in medieval times. The game features a big and fantastical world for you to explore and it even has some collectibles that you can find and collect. What’s better is that if you collect all of them you get achievements! In this guide we’ll show you where to find all of the Gnolledge.
Gnowlledgeable Achievement | Blacktail – All Gnolledge Locations
By Gnolledge we mean Gnoll heads that are basically the game’s versions of lore books. There’s a lot of them scattered around the map of Blacktail and all of them have some excerpts on lore on the setting, from the gods to construction. Here is where you can find them:
Gnoll Head On Place and Time

The first one is to the southern parts of the map, inside the windmill next to the river. You can just go inside the windmill and you’ll find the Gnoll head next to the door.

Gnoll Head On The World Tree

To the northeast of the windmill across the river is the next Gnoll head, this one can be seen on top of a wooden platform around some trees.

Gnoll Head On Construction

In the center area of the map, to the river to the west is the next Gnoll head. This one can eb found Just inside one of the small huts in the area.

Gnoll Head On Gods

The next one is southeast of the previous one, get on top of the hill and head west, you’ll some some wooden platforms on the cliff. Drop down and you’ll see the Gnoll head below the platform.

Gnoll Head On Highest Goal

This next one is actually southwest of the windmill, inside the ruins there. When you enter the run hug the left wall and you’ll see the Gnoll head on the corner.9

Gnoll Head On Stubbornness

To the northern parts of the map you’ll find this next Gnoll Head. There you’ll find a house that has a hole next to it where you can jump in and follow to get inside the house, of course inside is the Gnoll Head.

Gnoll Head On Worth

Further north in the map and you’ll stumble into this small village where you can find the next Knoll Head Inside one of the houses near the stairs.

Gnoll Head On Gnomes

Southeast of the Knoll Head On Stubbornness you’ll find a cave to a camp fire and next to it a rack where another Gnoll Head is hanging from.

Gnoll Head On Humans

Right in the middle of the map, next to the D-shaped building is your next destination. This Knoll Head is just inside this cage made out of bones and wood in the middle of the forest.

Gnoll Head On The Roots

Lastly this Gnoll Head can be found in the southern part of the winter area castle. There you’ll find a room that’s blocked with ice, destroy it and inside is a Gnoll Head just in the corner.

Congratulations you now know where to find all these collectibles in Blacktail, now go out there and try to find them all! Many thanks to Game Guides Channel for showing everyone where to find these, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Blacktail All Gnolledge Locations – Gnowlledgeable Achievement – YouTube
ALSO READ: Blacktail – All Toad Locations | Always Worth a Try Achievement