Blacktail is the newest action adventure game out there and it’s one that’s focused on the legend of Baba Yaga. The story revolves around Yaga a young girl who was cast out of her home because they thought she was a witch. She then has visions of spirits and you’ll have to go through the story solving what mystery there is in this strange land. The game features a vast open world for you to explore and a bunch of collectibles you can find that has their own achievements for finding them all. In this guide we’ll show you where to find all the Toads.
Always Worth a Try Achievement | Blacktail – All Toad Locations
Before we jump right into the Toad collecting, pun definitely intended, you should know that this game doesn’t have a free roam mode when you finish it. So it’s best to not finish the story first since you’ll have to go back to the start to hunt for this achievement. Now let’s get started in finding these toads.
Rushman Toad

The first toad is just southeast of the windmill south of the map. In the middle of the field is a stone arch where the toad is, all toads have this style so they’re easy to look for, just look for the stone arches!

Rose Toad

The next one is in the western part of the map, southeast of the ruins there you can find another toad in the middle of the forest this time. Use the images above and below as your guide in pinpointing these toads.

Will-O’-Wisp Toad

Directly north of the previous toad is a watermill where you’ll need to go on top of and inside to get the toad there. The toad is next to the mechanism of the watermill inside.

Dragon Toad

West-Southwest of the first toad is the next one, this is inside a ruined building just to the right when you enter it.

Stone Toad

To the very north of the map is another toad, inside a broken stone watch tower where there’s a conveniently placed staircase going to it.

Vodnik Toad

This next toad is directly south of the previous toad there you’ll find a large stone building with a pointy roof, just outside of it near the wooden fences is the toad.

Imp Toad

South east of the first toad is the last toad on the list, in the southeastern tip of the map you find the last one.

Congratulations you now know where to find all these collectibles in Blacktail, now go out there and try to find them all! Many thanks to Game Guides Channel for showing everyone where to find these, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Blacktail All Toad Locations – Always Worth a Try Achievement – YouTube
ALSO READ: Blacktail – Three Little Seeds