We all know about how fairy tales are usually not the flowery and nice stories that Disney have fed us through the years. One look in old German bed time stories for kids shows you how different these stories really are from the cartoons! One such story is the story of Baba Yaga and Blacktail is a game that focuses on the Slavic legend. You play as Yaga, a girl accused of witchcraft and was sent away from her home. The game has some open world elements to it with huge maps filled with all sorts of things including chests. In this guide we’ll show you where all the Warden Chests are.
Awards Unwarded Achievement | Blacktail – All Warden Chest Locations
In Blacktail there are these Warden Chests that can only be opened by gaining certain titles. These titles can be obtained through completing deeds in the game. In this list we’ll show you the locations of these Warden chests and the titles that you need to open them.
Chest #1 – Specialist

For the first chest you’ll need the title “Specialist.” Once you have that title, head to the south of the windmill using the images above and below as a reference. This Warden chest is just in the middle of the field.

Chest #2 – Favorite

For this chest you’ll need to get the title Favorite and ead to the east of the windmill across the river. This one is actually along the river and you can use a idol to go there. The chest is just behind the idol.

Chest #3 – Queen

For the next one you’ll need the title “Queen.” Once you have that title head to the ruins to the far western parts of the map. There you’ll find the chest just in the middle of the edge of the ruins.

Chest #4 – Favorite

This chest requires the “Favorite” title again. This chest is right in the middle of the map, next to the river south of the bridge there. Again, use the images above and below to pinpoint its location.

Chest #5 – Queen

To the northeast of the previous chest, is the next one. This chest needs the “Queen” title as swell. The chest is just in the middle of the field, look for the statue carrying it to make looking for it easier.

Chest #6 – Favorite

The last one requires the title “Favorite” again and it’s on the lake to the northeastern tip of the map. There you’ll need to do some platforming puzzle, and at the end is the chest!

Congratulations you now know where to find all the warden chests in Blacktail, now go out there and try to find them all! Many thanks to Game Guides Channel for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Blacktail All Warden Chest Locations – Awards Unwarded Achievement – YouTube
ALSO READ: Who’s the Fairest of Them Gnoll? – Blacktail