Achievements in the history of video games is something that surprisingly goes way back, before achievements and trophies they didn’t give you rewards for playing the game, instead you gave them coins so that you can play the game. These days games usually have achievements that the players can collect and show off in their gaming profiles and sometimes they’re even rewarded with cool stuff for doing so. Blacktail is one of the newer action adventure games out there and it also has achievements for exploring, in this guide we’ll show you how to get the Cycle Acknowledged Achievement in the game.
Mushroom Sanctuary Location | Blacktail – The Cycle Acknowledged Achievement
To get this particular achievement you’ll need to find the Mushroom Sanctuary location in the game. In the western parts of the map is a snowy ice castle that you’ll need to go to for the story. That’s where we’ll start off.

Once you enter the castle turn left and stick to the wall climbing up the stairs onto the top of the walls. From there continue heading north along the wall.

Look to your left and you’ll see a continuation of the wall, there you’ll also spot a blink idol, shoot at it to get to that section of the wall. Then follow the wall until you get past the first tower.

After going past the first tower and before the end of the wall to another tower, to the right is a gap where you can go down the wall. There you’ll find the Mushroom Sanctuary and automatically get the achievement once you go down there!

Congratulations you now know where to find this place and get the achievement in Blacktail, now go out there and try to get it! Many thanks to Game Guides Channel for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Blacktail – The Cycle Acknowledged Achievement – Mushroom Sanctuary Location – YouTube
ALSO READ: Blacktail – All Amber Spider Locations | Entangled Achievement