Strategy card game Block Tales hinges a lot on not just coming up with strategies but having the right cards for the right situation. To set up the perfect character, you need to learn the best cards that matches your playstyle. And here we’re going to show you where to find those cards!
How To Get All Items & Cards Guide
Like most RPG, cards in Block Tales function like magic and weapons can be bought and farmed.
Investor & Farmable Cards
- Investor – You can get it by defeating the Supreme Mosquito as a drop. Make sure you acquire it, as it’s important if you want to have an easier time grinding both the farmable cards and items.
- Linebounce – First room after prologue in the Ice Caves.
- Cannonball – Mango Tree (Room with Coconut Machine).
- ATK FX-R – 1.7% from Winged Nooblets (Hidden Item). To farm this easily, fight the Winged Nooblets in Roblox HQ and then rejoin to respawn the fight.
- Call: Gorilla – 1.4% from Gorillas (Hidden Item). Use the same strat from the ATK FX-R card; go up twice from Mango Tree and farm Frog/Gorilla fight. Reset, rinse and repeat.
- Feel Fine – 1% from Rugged Rainforest enemies (Not hidden).

Pit Cards (Overworld)
Located beneath Bizville, The Pit challenges players across 40 intense floors filled with powerful enemies and valuable cards. Each floor ramps up in difficulty, and every 10 floors, you’re rewarded with exclusive cards.
To enter The Pit, you’ll need the Shrinking card. This essential card is found in Blackrock Castle by interacting with the Kitchen Wizard. After obtaining it, head to the Sewers near the docks in Bizville to access the Pit’s entrance.
- Cure – Found on the Bed at the entrance of The Pit. (Floor 0), Cemetery
- Daze – Healing Pad, Spawn Point, Floor 10
- Free Ice – Healing Pad, Spawn Point, Floor 20
- Thorns – Healing Pad, Spawn Point, Floor 30
- Deep Focus – Healing Pad, Spawn Point, Floor 40
Buyable Cards
Around the map, there are 6 shops where you can buy cards from using Tix, and acquiring all of them will require you a lot. So, it’s good to prepare yourself with the grinding process which can take a lot of time as well. In total, you’ll need 4928 Tix!
TIP: For the best Tix farming start, I recommend that you settle for Floor 11-15 and sell any extra Free Ice and Snowball cards that you get throughout the farming process. Also, buy Slingshot and Launcher from Manor instead of Turitopulis to save Tix.
- Shady Dealer – He is located right next to the hotel where you spawn in when you enter the game. The shop sells cards in exchange for Bux, and you’ll need a total of 33 Bux. However, some of the cards can be bought from and shops and you’ll only need the following from him:
- Bodyguard
- Refund
- SP Finder
- Defender
- Pity SP
- Lucky Start
- Item+
- SP Saver
- SP Regen+
- Ante Up
- Defend+
- HP Finder+ – If you don’t want to go through the grinding process of getting it as a drop, you can only buy it from the Shady Dealer.

Sword Toss
Sword Toss is a card in Bizville that you can get after you get the Wooden Sword from Red and Blue Noobs. Go back here and find an area blocked by wooden planks. Break them, defeat the Rats, and you can grab the card at the corner of the alley.

Super Stab
This is a card you get from Tutorial Terry during a cutscene. Teleport to the HQ Basement and then leave the basement to the left. Go up the stairs, leave the building and then go right. Keep walking until Terry appears and give you the card.

Speed Spin
This card requires a glitch to get. Head into the Ice Cave until you find this area with a locked space and a card inside. To do this, jump down and before hitting the ground, right click outside the Roblox. That will glitch your character beyond the gate and get the card.

HP+, Linebounce, Fireball, and Snowball
- HP+. Another card that you can get from the Tutorial Terry is this. Follow his instructions into the cave, not far from where the Speed Spin is, and throw the ball to get the card as he told you.
- Linebounce. This card is still inside the same cave. Go back and go up the stairs. The card is in the corner to the right.

- Fireball. Fireball card is a reward for clearing The Pit floor 20, but another easier way to get it is this. You don’t want to miss out on this secret area which is behind the wall next to the long ladder here in the caves. You’ll find free Bux there as well.

- Snowball. In Roadtown, go behind the waterfall to the secret area where the Snowball card and a Bux is.

Roadtown Shop
Roadtown Shop is where you can find more advanced cards. Some of these cards can be found in the wild, but if grinding for them just takes too much time, just buy them! Cards that you can buy here:
- Atk-FX G
- Slow Go. Alternatively, you can grind from Snory Bear to get it for free.
- Minimize
- Cure. This is a card you can get for free in The Pit under Bizville after you get the Shrinking ability. Drop down the sewer right in front of the Docks wooden plaque. Go all the way to the end, break down the planks, and find the card on the bed.
- Baller
- Knight

Def Charge, Softener, Safe Guard, Happy HP & Resurrection
- Def Charge. Another card that you can grind from enemies is the Def Charge which drops from the Hungry Wolf.
- Softener – Cemetery
- Safe Guard. This card is in the Mountains area before the Snowy Thicket. You can find stairs leading down to the area.

- Happy HP. Here’s another card in the area above the lever.

- Resurrection. Find the card on the tree before you flip the lever in the Snowy Thicket.

Dynamite, Shrinking, I-Spy, & Ice Dagger
- Dynamite. Another card you get with Tutorial Terry help, right at the end of the Snowy Thicket you’ll get the card to blow up rubbles.
- Shrinking. The shrinking ability is inside the Blackrock Castle, a reward after interacting with the Kitchen Wizard and then climbing to the top of the mess for the card.
- I-Spy. This is a Bux hunting card that you can find in the Arcade using the Shrinking ability. You can find the card in one of the claw machines.
- Daze. Reach floor 10 of The Pit, then you’ll find Daze card waiting for you to grab.
- Ice Dagger. After defeating the Cruel King, you’ll get the Ice Dagger card.
Rugged Rainforest
- Happy SP
- Charge
- Spin Dash
- SP+
Dream Worlds
- Comatose – Yellow
- Happy HP – Purple
- HP+ – Red
Call: Cruel King
To obtain the Cruel King Summon Card, you must first interact with the Guru, an NPC who can be found at the end of the runway at the airport inside a blue house.
The Guru is crucial as he sends you to Nirvana, where you can rematch bosses from previous chapters, including the Cruel King. However, the Guru only becomes accessible after you reunite with Shedletsky at the start of Chapter 2.

Nirvana is a dream-like, peaceful area where players can rematch bosses from different chapters. The appearance of Nirvana changes depending on which boss you choose to face, with the terrain and decorations matching the associated boss’s original environment.
- Cold Nirvana: Where you will face the Cruel King. The area is frozen and features a throne room similar to the one you encountered in Chapter 1. As you fight the Cruel King, his dialogue changes with each rematch, making every encounter feel unique.
1. Reunite with Shedletsky
- You must reunite with Shedletsky at the beginning of Chapter 2. This unlocks the path to Guru’s House and Nirvana.
2. Find Guru’s House
- Head to the end of the runway at the airport. You’ll find a blue house where the Guru resides. He will send you to Nirvana, where you can face past bosses in rematches.

3. Rematch and Defeat the Cruel King 5 Times
- The Cruel King can be found in the Cold Nirvana (select the “Cold” option when asked to describe how you feel), sitting on his throne surrounded by ice. To obtain the Call: Cruel King card, you must defeat him five times. Each rematch will test your skills, so prepare accordingly.
Battle Strategies:
- Staff Hit: The Cruel King deals Attack 5 damage to a single target.
- Scepter Strike: This attack deals Attack 5 to all enemies and inflicts the Frozen (LV 1) status, immobilizing your party members.
- Use damage reduction buffs and high healing abilities to withstand his attacks. You will need a well-balanced team to handle his powerful AoE abilities.
4. Obtain the Summon Card
- After defeating the Cruel King for the fifth time, the Call: Cruel King summon card will be added to your inventory. You can now summon the Cruel King to aid you in battle, using his freezing AoE attacks to immobilize and damage enemies.

And that’s the locations for all card in Block Tales. Let us know if we missed anything! This is going to be the perfect guide after you also check out our tier list for cards in Block Tales.