Blox Fruits is one of the thousands of Roblox games on the platform. Developed by Gamer Robot Inc., players can become master swordsmen or powerful fruit users to become the most powerful players to ever live.
In this tier list, I will show you opinions for the best and worst fruits in the latest Kitsune update.
Best Fruits Tier List for the Latest Kitsune Update
With the game’s popularity, the developers have committed to regularly updating Blox Fruits with new content. The most recent patch update was the Kitsune update.
We’re going to be listing all the new fruits and their ranking from this latest update. With the rank running from Tier S as the best, to Tier D as the worst fruits in the game.

S – Tier
- Kitsune Fruit – is a Mythical Beast-type Blox Fruit, that costs 8,000,000 Money or 4,000 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This is the newest fruit in the game and allows players to transform into its namesake.
- This unit has great PvP potential and is in high demand. You can also walk on water with this fruit.
- The Dragon Fruit – is a Mythical Beast-type Blox Fruit, that costs 3,500,000 Money or 2,600 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- Heatwave Beam is a skill great for ending a combo, while Dragonic Claw deals high numbers of damage and is a great lead into combos.
- Fire Shower is a great skill for farming NPCs due to its range.
- Dragon Flight grants players the ability to fly, making this fruit an all-rounder in terms of loadout and mobility.
- The Dough Fruit – is a Mythical Elemental-type Blox Fruit, that costs 2,800,000 Money or 2,400 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This fruit is an incredibly valuable fruit due to its insane PvP, with Missile Jab being a great all-around ability and Pastry River keeping enemies in place.
- Dough Fist Fusillade is also an incredibly overpowered skill that holds enemies still to set up great move combos for the ultimate beatdown.
- The Portal Fruit – (redirected from Door) is a Legendary Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs 1,900,000 Money or 2,000 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This fruit can teleport anywhere on the map and can open portals in the air and on land.
- The Portal Dash skill allows for combo setups.
- Parallel Escape allows you to escape any fight you can’t win.
- This unit has a high trade value
- Rumble Fruit – is a Legendary Elemental-type Blox Fruit, that costs 2,100,000 Money or 2,100 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This fruit is easily seen as the best PvP fruit in the game.
- This unit has great stun and damage and is decent for grinding. It also works great whether you are a Sword main, Guns main, or Blox Fruits main, due to its stuns and big AOE.
- Leopard Fruit – is a Mythical Beast-type Blox Fruit, that costs 5,000,000 Money or 3,000 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This used to be the highest-value fruit in the game.
- The fifth beast-type fruit in the game, and is great for mobility.
- Can transform the player into a Leopard-Human hybrid allowing them to gain strength and execute melee attacks. This form also grants the player “immunity” to all environment lava puddles, just not the lava itself.
- Spirit Fruit – (redirected from Soul) is a Mythical Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs 3,400,000 Money or 2,550 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This fruit uses Spirit-based attacks with ice and fire.
- This unit can attack, and heal, and has a huge AoE, making it a great unit for PvP. It is also the third most expensive fruit in the game.
- Venom – is a Mythical Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs 3,000,000 Money or 2,450 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This is considered one of the most powerful fruits in the game with a great damage-dealing passive ability.
- Venom is great for everything from PvP, PvE, Raids, Grinding, and even Sea Event Hunting. This unit is also a great counter to Awakened Dough and Dragon.
A – Tier
- Blizzard Fruit – is a Legendary Elemental-type Blox Fruit, that costs 2,400,000 Money or 2,250 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- Another fruit with great PvP potential, Blizzard Fruit boasts a kit that is beyond useful. This unit can hold its own in team battles, boss battles, and domains.
- Snowflake Shuriken is an ability that swoops enemies up and damages them in a series of combos.
- Howling Wind is another free combo move.
- Tornado Flight is a great mobility move for farming. It pulls all the NPCs into a tornado and damages them for the duration they’re stuck.
- The Blizzard Fruit’s only downside is that it’s not very mobile. The most common playstyle for this unit is to park it somewhere and use its abilities from a distance.
- Buddha Fruit – (formerly known as Human: Buddha) is a Legendary Beast-type Blox Fruit, that costs 1,200,000 Money or 1,650 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- Buddha is easily one of the best fruits in the game for farming due to its ability to change your fighting style’s range.
- Light of Annihilation is one of the best Buddha moves, here, the player gathers energy, then explodes, shooting a light beam out of their mouth and dealing damage.
- Dark Fruit – is an Uncommon Elemental-type Blox Fruit, that costs 500,000 Money or 950 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- Value-wise, this fruit is pretty low but offers a great advantage in PvP.
- Dimensional Slash deals about half damage to NPCs, Abyssal Darkness pulls in players, and Endless Hole grants players temporary invulnerability to physical attacks.
- Ice Fruit – is an Uncommon Elemental-type Blox Fruit, that costs 350,000 Money or 750 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- One of the best PvP fruits in the game.
- All of its moves are great for setting up combos, and Ice Skating is a decent mobility move to maneuver your way around the map.
- Light Fruit – is a Rare Elemental-type Blox Fruit, that costs 650,000 Money or 1,100 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This is the fastest fruit in the game. The Light Fruit’s skill set leans more into mobility and a bit into PvP.
- Overall, this is a reliable unit with a solid kit that can easily deal with NPCs for farming.
- Love Fruit – is a Legendary Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs 1,300,000 Money or 1,700 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This is a unit, much like the others, that’s great for all-around aspects of the game.
- The Love Fruit has a solid PvP move set and decent mobility. Notable skills are Heart Shot and Besto Friendo for PvP.
- Magma Fruit – is a Rare Elemental-type Blox Fruit, that costs 960,000 Money or 1,300 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- Magma Fruit is one of those units with great skills to take down NPCs. Most of this unit’s skills are high-damage attacks.
- Magma Fruit is the highest damage unit in the game and also can help the player walk on water.
- Mammoth Fruit – is a Mythical Beast-type Blox Fruit, that costs 2,700,000 Money or 2,350 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- The Mammoth Fruit allows the player to turn into a Mammoth, apart from this, the unit has a very solid kit.
- Ghost Fruit – (formerly Revive) is a Rare Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs Money 940,000 or Robux 1,275 from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This fruit has a 6 skill set and is unique as far as the fruits go. It gives the player great mobility and has a great passive Resurrection.
- When the player dies, they turn into a ghost.
- Shadow Fruit – is a Mythical Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs 2,900,000 Money or 2,425 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This fruit has the power to control darkness and is a powerful PvP unit.
- Shadow is great for combos and has Nightmare Leech, which heals the player by 20% of their max health.
- Sound Fruit – is a Legendary Natural-type Blox Fruit, added in Update 20, that costs 1,700,000 Money or 1,900 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This is a newer unit that has only AoE skills.
- This fruit is great for grinding and PvP, and players use this fruit because all of its abilities deal with heavy splash damage.
- This fruit also has a Tempo Meter that reduces user and nearby player incoming damage by 20%, increases speed by 50%, and damage by 10%.
B – Tier
- Flame Fruit – is an Uncommon Elemental-type Blox Fruit, that costs 250,000 Money or 550 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This fruit is a great damage dealer for the early game. Its skill set is dedicated to pushing big numbers.
- The only downside to this unit is that the trade value for it is not very high.
- Gravity Fruit – is a Mythical Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs 2,500,000 Money or 2,300 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- Gravity Push is a skill that deals 2700 damage, Meteor Push is a move that’s too slow to be effective.
- Meteor Pitch is the best move this unit has, which drops a random meteor onto the enemy.
- Control Fruit – is a Mythical Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs 3,200,000 Money or2,500 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This fruit is known for needing a major rework, however, its skills are still serviceable.
- This fruit is based on Law from OnePiece and has moves like Levitate and Teleport which are okay for getting around but do no damage.
- For grinding, this fruit offers little to no advantage.
- Pain Fruit – (redirected from Paw) is a Legendary Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs 2,300,000 Money or 2,200 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- The Pain Fruit is a high-value fruit with a solid skill set.
- Heavy Pain is a long-ranged move with one of the longest berths in the game.
- Phoenix Fruit – (previously known as “Bird: Phoenix Fruit”) is a Legendary Beast-type Blox Fruit, that costs 1,800,000 Money or 2,000 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This fruit is more of a healer-type unit with a large AoE skill set.
- Regeneration Flames is a healing skill that evokes blue and yellow flames.
- This unit also allows players to turn into a Phoenix.
- Quake Fruit – is a Legendary Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs 1,000,000 Money or 1,500 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- The Quake Fruit only has 4 moves, which might appear as a disadvantage to some, but this unit is great for PvP and Boss hunting.
- Sand Fruit – is an Uncommon Elemental-type Blox Fruit, that costs 420,000 Money or 850 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This unawakened version of this unit isn’t known for being reliable during PvP, but is decent for grinding.
- The awakened version, however, is great for bounty hunting due to its damage and stun-centric skill set.
- Something notable about this fruit is that it dies in water the fastest out of all the fruits in this game.
- Spider Fruit – (redirected from String) is a Legendary Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs Money 1,500,000 or Robux 1,800 from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This fruit doesn’t have an Elemental effect and has moves that are easily dodgeable. Because of this, this fruit doesn’t stand out and isn’t good for grinding.

C – Tier
- Rubber – is a Rare Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs 750,000 Money or 1,200 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This unit turns the player’s body into rubber and grants immunity to Rumble, Electric, and Guns.
- Bomb Fruit – is a Common Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs 80,000 Money or 220 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This fruit used to be one of the worst in the game, but has moved on with recent updates to its kit.
- Targeted Bomb is an ability that says what it is. You can blow up enemies with targeted explosives.
- Chop Fruit – is a Common Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs 30,000 Money or 100 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- The fruit is less than stellar, but in PvP you are almost guaranteed to be unhittable due to the fruit’s ability to fly.
- The fruit is less than stellar, but in PvP you are almost guaranteed to be unhittable due to the fruit’s ability to fly.
- Falcon Fruit – is an Uncommon Beast-type Blox Fruit, that costs 300,000 Money or 650 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This fruit doesn’t have much in the way of abilities apart from the fact that it gives you wings and can deal half-decent damage.
- Rocket Fruit – is a Common Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs 5,000 Money or 50 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This is a cheap unit that used to be considered the worst fruit in the game but is now a solid fruit good for PvP and grinding.
- Smoke Fruit – is a Common Elemental-type Blox Fruit, that costs 100,000 Money or 250 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This is a low-cost fruit that’s great for the early-game PvP. It has multiple skills for stunning enemies and can deal mediocre amounts of damage at a time.
- Spin Fruit – is a Common Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs 180,000 Money, or 380 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- There’s not much to say about it other than that it deals decent damage.

D – Tier
- Barrier Fruit – this is a Rare Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs 800,000 Money or 1,250 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- Barrier is known as a solid starter fruit; however, its kit leaves much to be desired.
- Barrier Wall is an ability that puts up a wall for a very short period. One of Barrier’s better moves is the Barrier Prison.
- In general, this unit has abilities with too-long cooldowns for very unsustainable gameplay and poor world navigation.
- Diamond Fruit – is an Uncommon Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs 600,000 Money or 1,000 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- This fruit is known to be perry useless, with most of its skills dedicated to “reducing damage” taken by players.
- Spin Fruit – is a Common Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs 7,500 Money or 75 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- One of the worst fruits in the game, nothing about its kit stands out or is advantageous.
- Spring Fruit – is a Common Natural-type Blox Fruit, that costs 60,000 Money or 180 Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer.
- Underwhelming and unusable.
And that’s it for our best fruits tier list for the latest Kitsune update. We know it’s an exhaustive list, but this is as comprehensive as it gets.
If you want to know how to get these fruits and what’s the best way to fight, check out our guide on the Best Way to Permanently Get Fruits and our Best Fighting Style Tier List.
Feel free to leave a comment below if you have your own opinions and rankings!
READ NEXT: Blox Fruits: Best Guns Tier List
most helpful article Ive seen so far. thanks