The Border Fort is a chess puzzle piece that you are able to place in the new map region with the chess battlefield arena. It is a very easy piece to find but only if you are looking in the right place. That is why in this guide we are going to be showing you where exactly to head to be able to find the Border Fort. Let’s get started.
Genshin Impact – Border Fort Location

This is where you need to come to be able to find the Border Fort. Keep in mind that this is underground so you will need to go through the cave tunnels to be able to find it. If you do have this teleport waypoint, you can just go ahead and teleport underneath, if you haven’t however, just teleport on the northern one and find the cave entrance which is in the region too.

Once you get here you will want to be following the road underground tunnel all the way toward the large gates and continue walking over the stairs. You will be going across the obelisk that is found in the middle of the room and walking across it.

Once you will have far enough you will come across a cube–like structure. You need to activate it and then you will get a monster to spawn. Defeat the monster and behind it next to the large gate is where you can find the Chest with the Border Fort inside of it. It’s as easy as that! We hope that this guide has helped you out on what you need to do to be able to find the Border Fort. Have fun looking for it yourself and try not to get lost in the caves!
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