For veteran players of the Call of Duty Franchise, we all know about the killstreaks in the game. From Mortar strikes to the predator missiles that you can control and aim, it’s all fun and spectacular to use. In the new Call of Duty MW3 (2023), there’s a mission where you get to use a lot of these killstreaks. There’s even a trophy related to them for you to get.
In this guide, we’ll show you how you can get the Helo Hat Trick Trophy in Call of Duty MW3 (2023). Now, let’s see what kind of killstreaks we can use!
Helo Hat Trick Trophy Guide
In the 3rd Mission: Reactor of the campaign, you’ll be tasked with going to a base filled with enemies and destroying 3 helicopters.
You can use all sorts of weapons in the field to destroy them and most people would do that. To get the trophy, Helo Hat Trick, you’ll need to use Killstreaks to destroy them.
When paradropping into the location, get to the area shown below. There, you’ll find a mortar killstreak that you can use on the helicopter down south.
Make sure to go check out our guide on the Think She’ll Notice? trophy if you haven’t already!

Just take the Killstreak and aim it at the helicopter. Make sure to actually aim it on the helicopter’s body so that it doesn’t miss.

Now, head to the southeastern parts of the map where you can find the next Helicopter. This time, the killstreak is to the north of it and it’s a Precision Airstrike. Same as before, just aim it at the Helicopter and watch the fireworks!

The last Helicopter is to the northeast of the previous one. On the way, make sure to get the killstreak shown below.
It’s a Cruise Missile Strike, and to make sure it hits the target, go near it before using the missile. With the destruction of the third Helicopter, you should get the trophy!
There you have it! Make sure to go check out our guide on the Think She’ll Notice? trophy if you haven’t already.

That’s how you get the Helo Hat Trick Trophy in Call of Duty MW3 (2023). Now, go out there and try to get it yourself!