Complete Raze Map Guide For Haven | Valorant

Complete Raze Map Guide For Haven | Valorant

Elijah Hernandez
4 Min Read

Valorant is full of great maps that give you that nostalgic feeling of playing Counter-Strike. While Valorant does feel like a Counter-Strike game, the maps offered by Valorant are unique enough to separate itself from such comparisons besides the gunplay. One of which is called Haven, a launch map that players still play today. But with characters like Raze who launched afterwards, how balanced are the new characters with old maps? In this Raze Map guide, we’ll show you how Raze fares in Haven.

Valorant – Complete Raze Map Guide For Haven

Raze in Haven isn’t that much different from Raze in other maps. She still does pretty well due to her kit and utilities, but Haven is a larger map compared to the others where she excels at. It’s not a question if Raze is good in Haven; but if Raze is good maneuvering Haven.

Attacking Sites A to C can have different strategies. Most would send their Boombots first, while some would jump straight in. While both tactics are great in their own way, you have to be careful doing so as Haven has a lot of corners when going through corridors, which is why making the Boombot go first is ideal when attacking.

With the corners, Raze’s grenades are great for dealing with enemies or flushing them out. Her grenades explode and drop smaller grenades, which means there’s a higher radius to affect enemy combatants. When going around corners, be sure to toss a grenade if you’re unsure whether it’s safe or not.

While attacking is certainly easier, you have to think about how to defend in Haven as well. The sites, especially A, are full of corners. They are somewhat larger when you compare them to other maps. Naturally, you’ll want to take advantage of that, but if you know how to deal with enemies hiding in corners? Chances are that the enemy knows how to deal with that too.

Your best bet when defending A is to be on top of the boxes, especially the large box where your enemies will go through when the match starts. This spot is ideal as you can get a clear the heads and pop off some headshots.

Defending B isn’t so tough as you have a lot of cover, but so do your enemies. Here, you have two choices: play defense or play an offensive defense. Defense is naturally just you guarding the spot so no one comes in. Offensive defense however is you throwing grenades to catch them by surprise. Same tactic with attacking, use the corners to your advantage. You’ll only have a couple of chances to do so, so make it count.

C is a lot tougher. The bomb site is wide open and offers little to no cover, so you have to find a spot that allows you to prevent any enemies from approaching without getting shot. Use the boxes to your advantage and climb on top, especially the one near the entrance.

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Elijah Hernandez is someone that loves video games since he was little. It didn't matter to him if people didn't like a video game. If it was fun, that was all that mattered to him. He's also a huge fan of superhero media like Marvel and DC, so he's practically played games like Spider-Man and the Batman Arkham games. He's also into multiplayer games that strike his fancy, specifically games like Call of Duty and Fortnite. Most especially Fortnite since he can play as different Marvel and DC characters in a battle royale against other famous and iconic characters.
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