
Content Warning: Complete Artifacts Guide

Not all entities have legs. Some of them are inanimate objects!

With the surprise release of Content Warning, it’s no wonder that players are still scrambling trying to figure out what can and can’t kill them. In a hilarious twist, people are doing this because they want to potentially get killed for the sake of content. With that in mind, there are a bunch of mysterious (or clearly dangerous) objects that can help with that, so let’s list them down!

Complete Artifacts Guide

Down in the old world, you just cannot trust anything. While this does make for great SpookTube content, you still have to ensure that you live long enough to bring your camera back home.

Because of that, you need to know what seemingly dangerous objects have the potential to kill you. In the next section, we are going to go through a short list of items that you need to watch out for and how to stay alive in their presence.

Before we begin, though, it should be noted that these do not seem to have any official names outside of the asset names in the game’s files. Because of that, we will be referring to them mainly by their appearance.

Content Warning old world outdoor area

#1. A Pair of Animal Statues / Rabbit Heads

First up is the animal statue, which often takes on the appearance of a rabbit’s head. The odd part is that they will show up as two separate entities.

One of these rabbit heads will have the label “Animal Stateu” (the typo is intentional), and picking it up will cause the wielder to start floating in the air. Not only that, but they will start to take damage over time, albeit very slowly.

These are not considered to be too dangerous, but if there are other threats roaming nearby, touching one of these statues can lead to a swift and untimely death. Great for content, but not so nice if you’re the cameraman!

There is supposedly a way to cancel the floating effect, but you can’t do it alone. Somebody else in your group must pick up the other “Animal Statue” and throw it at the floating player by holding the Q button.

If the person who is floating in the air manages to catch the rabbit head, the curse bestowed upon them will be lifted and they will fall back down to the ground.

Content Warning rabbit heads and player floating because of it

#2. Canister or Barrel of Radioactive Waste

A less subtle item that you can stumble upon in the old world is a plain container with a radioactive symbol on the side. It’s only labeled as a “Container” when you look at it, but the symbol should tell you everything you need to know.

If, for any reason, you pick it up, you will start hearing Geiger counter noises. This is a clear indication that you are holding something extremely radioactive, and it will keep on going as long as you hold it.

The only way to prevent certain death is to simply avoid picking it up. Seriously, anybody sane would just avoid this completely based on the symbol alone. It doesn’t even really result in funny footage because you just drop dead!

Content Warning container full of radioactive waste

#3. A Grey Matter Kebab

One strange item you can encounter is what can simply be described as a brain stuck on a stick. I think it’s pretty obvious that there is something sinister going on with this object, but what could that be?

Well, picking it up will supposedly cause a group of monsters to spawn nearby. These will typically just be a bunch of snails, which aren’t really that dangerous and are easy to outrun.

With that said, this can result in some free views, so feel free to grab this odd brain on a skewer if you’re confident enough in your ability to outpace a bunch of weak monsters!

Content Warning brain on a stick on the ground

#4. A Horrifying Portrait

Finally, one item that can show up sometimes is a painting featuring what appears to be a monster’s head. If you looked at one of these, it’s already too late to even think about how to counter it.

Supposedly, though this is still unconfirmed, looking at the painting will cause the monster known only in the game’s files as “Big Slap” to spawn somewhere in the map.

Unfortunately for you and your friends, this titan of a monster is extremely dangerous and almost impossible to outrun. If you find yourself in the same room as this monster, just give up because it’ll start slapping you around like crazy.

Purposefully getting Big Slap to spawn can make for some great SpookTube content, but you’ll probably need to be really lucky to escape from it with the camera intact!

Content Warning portrait with big slap's head on it

And those are all of the strange and potentially deadly items that you can run into as you explore the old world. While you’re here, go and check out our guide on how to recover lost footage in Content Warning, cause you might just need to do that if you pick up one of these items!


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