
Dave The Diver – Branch Guide | How The Branch Works Guide

Raking in the money!

Dave the Diver is a brand-new game that has everyone’s attention currently. It focuses on Dave, who helps his friends Bancho and Cobra run a sushi restaurant using the ingredients he procures from the Blue Hole. The game effectively combines exploration and management skills together to create an addictive gameplay loop alongside farming mechanics and side quests to keep the player engaged. This guide will focus on how additional branches of the sushi restaurant work.

Branch Guide

This guide is divided into several parts to make it easier for you to navigate and find the portion that you are interested in. 

DISCLAIMER: This guide contains spoilers, so if you wish to avoid them, then we advise not read further.

How to Unlock Second Branch?

Unlocking the second branch in Dave the Diver requires players to progress through the main story significantly. The quest through which this branch is unlocked is named Bancho’s Ordeal? Pasta Contest! In this quest, players will be challenged by a VIP to a pasta contest. Once players win the pasta contest, the second branch is unlocked.

Pasta contest

VIP missions are these quests in which a special customer arrives, and you must cater to them. This requires the player to gather specific ingredients to create an out-of-the-box dish to impress the customer. Successfully impressing the customer increases the rating of the restaurant, but in this case, you get a second branch.

Second branch unlocked

The main difference between this branch and the main one is that you cannot run it since you have to assist with the main branch. Additionally, Bancho is also not available, so you require employees and a manager to run this branch.

Visiting Branch

In order to visit the second branch, players simply have to access the same menu they use to go to the main restaurant or the fish farm. This can be accessed by walking over to the far left of the fishing boat. Once in the menu, you can see a Branch option that can be selected to visit the secondary branch.

Visiting the branch

Assigning Employees

You can assign employees in the secondary branch as you do in the main branch. Simply visit the branch and access the Staff option that can be found at the bottom of the screen. Alternatively, you can press the 1 Key to access it in the branch instead of clicking the icon.

Assigning employees to branch

Once inside this menu, we recommend selecting employees from the Waiting Room. This is to ensure that you still have your best employees at your main branch. However, this does not mean that you should not invest in your secondary branch. Make sure that you have put out sufficient advertisements to have surplus employees for use in the secondary branch.

Choosing employees from waiting room

It is also important to train your employees to unlock their Skills for making sure that the branch functions smoothly.

Branch Manager

The most important individual in running your second branch is the Branch Manager. This is essentially an employee that functions as a manager to run the restaurant and ensure its smooth functioning. The most important aspect of a Branch Manager is their rank which determines the quality of ingredients that can be used for dishes at that branch.

Branch manager

To check which ingredients can be utilized at the branch, simply use the Ingredient menu. This shows you all the fish that you currently have and their ranks. For those fish that cannot be used, you will be able to see a Red Exclamation Mark with the work Rank next to it. 

High ranked ingredients

The scaling of the game is slightly weird in the aspect that even if you have a Level 11 or 12 manager, he/she might not be able to use the same ranked ingredients. From our understanding, Rank, and Levels work separately from each other, resulting in this conflict. However, as a rule of thumb, send those fish to the branch whose rank is lower than the level of the manager. Another way to deal with this is to train your manager to the max level of 20. However, this is very expensive and requires gold in the thousands range.

Upgrading manager

Initially, your branch’s income might be very poor due to the low manager level. This is okay, as it is likely that your higher-level employees are all working at the main branch, leaving you with newbies that are running the secondary branch. Just keep playing the game and using the profits from the main branch to level up your manager so they can use higher quality ingredients which ultimately increases profit.

Setting Branch Menu

The menu of the secondary branch depends on the Policy that you prefer when running it. In the management tab of the second branch, you should be able to spot the Operation Policy at the top right, just above the manager. There are four Operation Policies which include Price, Taste, Level, and Dish. Selecting a particular option will result in the manager setting up a menu that compliments that policy.

Choosing a policy

It is important to note that you cannot set the menu of the secondary branch yourself. Rather it is dependent on the policy chosen. For example, if you choose the Price policy, then a menu will be created with the most expensive dishes keeping in mind the Rank of the manager and the availability of the ingredients.

Sending Ingredients

The ingredients used by the secondary branch are separate from those that Bancho’s Sushi uses. Hence, players must send over ingredients to the secondary branch to ensure that it can even function. You can do this by either sending existing ingredients from the main branch or sending ingredients over from the Fish Farm, assuming that you have unlocked it.

Cannot send higer ranked ingredients

When sending over ingredients, the game will tell you if your manager can utilize them or not. For higher-ranked ingredients, a prompt will appear on the screen when sending over ingredients, whether from the farm or the main branch. It will inform the player that the current manager cannot use high-ranking ingredients.

Checking on the Second Branch

At night when Bancho’s Sushi opens, players might be wondering how to check the progress of the secondary branch. For this, you can simply see the prompt at the bottom right of the screen that shows the branch’s statistics. This includes the money made, happy customers, dishes sold, and angry customers

Checking in on the second branch

If you are not satisfied with these statistics, then simply press the 6 Key, and this should allow you to view live camera footage of the branch to see how it works. This is useful for spotting potential improvements that can be made in the branch to maximize profit.

Final Advice

From our testing, we have noticed that no dishes are wasted at the second branch, meaning that whatever is on the menu it is served completely. Moreover, there have not been any instances where Wasabi ran out in the branch, so you do not need employees with the skills to replenish Wasabi, etc. However, we did notice that employees cannot serve Cocktails unless they have the skill to serve them. Hence, invest in employees that can serve cocktails in order to maximize profits.

Restaurant running smoothly

Lastly, in terms of managers, we recommend using Drae. The reason for this is that he gets access to Rank 9 ingredients at around Level 12. Moreover, he reaches a 5 Star Rating at Level 14, making him easily one of the most overpowered employees in the entire game. Another option is Yusuke, who has almost the same leveling curve as Drae

We hope that this guide helped you understand how the branch works in Dave the Diver. Let us know in the comments below if you have any questions or suggestions.

ALSO NEXT: Dave The Diver: Find Feather Coral & Lily Coral Location


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