Delta Force continues to do well as a free to play alternative to giants like Battlefield and Call of Duty, and it has a robust weapon customization system that lets you tailor your weapons to whichever playstyle suits you best. In this guide, we will be sharing with you a way to set up your M7 in order to turn it into an overall solid killing machine in your matches.
Best M7 Loadout
The M7 Battle Rifle is a solid mid to long range weapon that can absolutely shred enemies as long as your aim is on point. The point of this build is to maximize the gun’s stability and control, allowing you to spray from a distance while still being as precise as possible with most of your shots.
With all of that in mind, here are the attachments that you can use that will help with that, as well as some possible alternatives:
- Barrel – M7 Tidal Ultra-Long Barrel Combo: This barrel will help increase the weapon’s killing potential from farther ranges, while also maximizing its control and buffing stability by a decent amount.
- Foregrip – X25U Angled Combat Grip: This slightly hurts our handling and stability, but it will further increase the amount of both horizontal and vertical control, which is arguably more valuable.
- Secret Order Bevel Foregrip: If you prefer more horizontal control, this is what you should pick. With the next attachment choice (muzzle), the small vertical control debuff of this foregrip will be completely negligible.
- Rear Grip – AR Heavy Tower Grip: It gives you a whole bunch of positive stats with no downside, so just slap it on. This also lets you add a Stable Grip Base, which will give you a huge stability increase that will offset the downside of later choices.
- Muzzle – Sandstorm Vertical Compensator: By picking this muzzle, the gun will have even more vertical control & stability at the cost of a very low handling debuff.
- Magazine –M7 6.8 45 Round Drum Magazine: We are sacrificing even more handling and a bit of reload speed in exchange for a lot of shots per mag.
- Alternatively, the M7 6.8 30 Round Magazine will be fine too if you think the downsides of the one with more capacity is too much. Anything but the default is good, as that has way too few bullets.
- Mag Mount – Grizzly Full P. Mag Assist (Any): This just gives you a slight handling buff and there is no reason to not use one.
- Stock –Shadow Buffer Tube Stock: With this attachment, you will gain a bit of control and a lot of handling, as well as a slight bump to your aim down sight movement speed. It comes with a hefty stability debuff, but your other attachments can cancel that out and then some.
- The Elite Light Stock is a fine alternative that will give you even more aim down sight movement speed without the major debuffs. Take this if you do not mind missing the huge handling buff.
- Optic – Personal preference: This one is entirely up to you, so just pick whichever sights you are most comfortable with. A scope is great if you often use it for longer distances, though you might mess up the gun’s handling with them.
- Rails & Patches – PEQ-2 Red Laser Light Combo: By adding one of these, you will gain a substantial accuracy and handling buff, as well as very slightly faster aim down sight speed.
- For the rest of the slots, you will want to add in some DD Python Handguards to somewhat offset any handling debuffs that we will get from the rest of this build.

For the M7 Battle Rifle’s calibrations, our goal will be to further increase the gun’s overall stability. Doing so will cost a bit of aim down sight speed and more, but high stability is essential for this weapon. Try the following calibrations for this setup:
- Barrel – Maximum weight limit for higher stability. Your movement speed will take a small hit, but this debuff will not affect much in the grand scheme of things.Then, set your length to the lowest value to help you aim down sights faster.
- Stock – Maximum weight limit again. This adds more control while having a very negligible downside.
- Foregrip – Maximum weight limit again, but this time for increased control. This will also decrease your aim down sight speed, which is essentially cancelled out by the previous calibration.
- Rear Grip – Maximum weight limit once more for even more control. This will add a slight aiming stability downside that is completely negligible. You can also tweak the thickness a bit for more stability while moving, at the cost of another negligible stat.
And those are all of the attachments and calibrations that you can try out in order to make this gun a bit of a laser with very easy to control recoil. With this M7 Battle Rifle setup, your engineer is going to be a monster at anything but close range encounters, and even then, you can still put up a hell of a fight either way.
While you are here, check out our best CI-19 loadout for Delta Force too, so you can have another killer gun in your arsenal!