Legendary Shards are needed for virtually anything. They are used to purchase Upgrade Modules, Masterwork materials and obtain certain items. In Destiny 2, you need to have the Legendary Shards. If you are new or long-time playing Destiny 2, here is how to farm legendary shards in the season of the Plunder.
Ultimate Guide To Farming Legendary Shards In Season Of The Plunder In Destiny 2

We recommend you do whichever activity is double rep. If one is active, you will get more legendary drops and other track rewards from leveling up in each activity. In addition, you will level up faster when double reputation is active.

The second way is to pick up the bounties associated with all of these activities as well. You will want it for the XP, but some of these bounties also give direct rep for vendors and can unlock more drops for you adding up to more legendary shards. You can have a drop associated with completing eight bounties for each vendor that will get you another legendary drop.

You can also get from the new activities for this season that Ketchcrash and expedition are another excellent way to get legendary shards and unlock new weapons and seasonal triumphs.
These are how to get Legendary Shards in Season Of The Plunder. We hope we have answered your question.
Big thanks to Dukeiscool from YouTube for providing info on Legendary Shards in Destiny 2. You can check the whole video here: ULTIMATE Guide to Farming Legendary Shards in Season of the Plunder!
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