Looking for that one area for a quest and spending hours trying to find it and failing can be quite frustrating. It’s always in the last place you look at, and sometimes it’s the first place you look at but you just miss it! We don’t want to waste time looking for something just because the quest drops a big circle on the map. In Diablo 4 there are some quests like that so if you want to save time and know where exactly to look for then this is the article for you. In this guide we’ll show you where to find the Sealed Door for one of the quests in the game.
The Sealed Door Quest Guide For Diablo 4
When you’re walking through the wonderful and bleak town of Kyovashad you might talk to a Strange Beggar that gives you a quest. Without spoiling much you’ll need to go to a certain part of the map marked with the quest and looking for a door that we’re trying to keep closed but someone wants opened. We don’t like that someone so we’re going there to keep it closed.

The area in question is to the northeast of Kyovashad and you can use the map above to see where it exactly is. No need to stumble around the area of the Frigid Expanse, just go straight there and you’ll find what you’re looking for.

Once you get there you’ll see an enemy that is a bit too intimate with the door, so we’ll need to remind the enemy of personal space by destroying the enemy so feel free to do so.
Once you’ve defeated the enemy the quest will be over, and you even get the rewards immediately. Thank god we don’t need to walk back to the quest giver on this one!
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