If you want to be getting new recruits, especially something powerful and strong like the Slamma, you will need to pay a certain type of Fee. In this guide, we shall be showing you what you will need to get to get the Slamma. Let’s get started.
Slamma Fee | Recruit – Dragon Quest Treasures
To be able to find Slamma inside the world of Dragon Quest, you will need to find the reagent and then turn it inside the Main City. This is the location on the map where you shall need to come to be able to do this thing:

It will be inside the Eggshell Island as it is shown in the picture above. Once you interact with the knight that is found in this location, you will need to choose the Slamma creature as the second option. You will of course then need to pay a fee to be able to get him.
This is the fee and the price that you will need to pay for the Slamma:
- Wondrous Wheat – it can be found all the way to the top left corner of the map region by the name of Snouterhorn Station. You can go to the left and right of this very same location shown in the picture and here you will find it easily.

Then you are able to take this newly gotten Wheat to be getting a new Recruit. You will go back to the knight that is shown in the first picture of this guide and interact with him. Now you will go back to the Slamma creature and choose to buy it.

It is as easy as that! Once you have this Wheat you will just need to buy the Slamma and you can have him as your own. Congratulations!
We hope that this guide has helped you out with what you need to do to get this complete. Have fun doing it yourself!
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