There are a lot of games right now that are doing egg hunt events for the Easter Season. It’s usually a quick and fun time for these games and the players get to have free stuff in the process. Hunting for these eggs can be a bit difficult in other games though!
In Dragon Soul, that’s not the case as most of the Freeza Eggs you’ll need to find are close to each other. They’re even all on the same island, so you don’t have to travel far! All you need to know is where to look.
In this guide, we’ll show you where all 12 Freeza Eggs are found in Dragon Soul. We’ll go through each one of them and show you some landmarks to help you find them. Now, let’s see where these eggs are!
Where To Find All 12 Freeza Eggs
With the egg hunt event going on in Roblox, it’s no surprise that Dragon Soul also has an event like it. This time, you’ll need to find Freeza Eggs around the map and all 12 of them can be found in Rad Ribbon Island. Here are all the egg locations in the game!
SIDE NOTE: The game also had a recent update that added a new Minigame. Go check out our guide on how to find the new minigame for more information!
Egg #1
The first egg can be found outside of the town, follow the path to the beach down the long staircase. To the left, you’ll find the first egg in one of the corners of the grassy area along the beach.

Egg #2
From the previous egg, go up the stairs and look to the left side. There, underneath a tree, you can find another egg as shown in the image below.

Egg #3
Go to the other side of the road under the bigger tree and you’ll find Egg number 3. Hey, that rhymes!

Egg #4
Head to the city following the road. Once you go through the walls of the city, continue following the road until it reaches the two pillars where the road branches left or right. Under one of the pillars is an egg!

Egg #5
For the next egg, you’ll want to continue following the road to the left of the previous egg. There, underneath one of the bigger trees to the right of the road is where you can find another egg. You can use the image below as a reference.

Egg #6
Look for the Giant dome with an RR building next to it and you’ll find the next egg nearby under a small tree.

Egg #7
To the left of the previous egg, you can go to the buildings and find another one nearby under another tree as shown below.

Egg #8
Facing the previous egg as shown above, go to the left and stick to the wall. Follow the wall onto the other side of the building where it faces the beach and you’ll find another egg in a corner.

Egg #9
Facing the wall where the previous egg is look to the opposite direction where you can find a ramp that goes up. Go up the ramp and look to the right and you’ll see another egg under a big tree.

Egg #10
Look for the 3 buildings with the RR signs that have 3 stairs leading up to them. Go up one of the stairs near the sides and you can find an egg behind the wall.

Egg #11
You can find another egg in the same area as the first but this time on top of the middle stairs behind the wall.

Egg #12
Now, go behind the area where the 3 RR buildings are and to the left near the wall underneath one of the trees is the last egg.

Once you’ve collected all of the eggs, you’ll get a Rare Enchant Fragment as a reward! That’s where you can find all 12 Freeza Eggs in Dragon Soul. Now, go out there and try to get them yourself! Check out our guide for the Level 2350 Secret Vendor location if you haven’t found him yet!