World of Warcraft hasn’t had the greatest starts this year but it’s all changing at the end of the year with the new expansion. That’s right, World of Warcraft Dragonflight just released and many players are already enjoying it and there’s even more players that are coming back to the game. Streamers are going back to the game as well and the game is one of the top categories in Twitch. The expansion adds a new area with new quests, new stories and specially new mounts. With a new area comes confusion like find where certain NPCs are, so in this guide we’ll show you where to find the Fishing Trainer in the Dragon Isles.
WoW Dragonflight: Fishing Trainer Location In Dragon Isles
We all know that feeling of going to a new area for a new expansion and fumbling around looking for where the trainers are. Sometimes you’re lucky and you just happen to find them, sometimes they’re off somewhere you’ll never think of looking. The Fishing Trainer in the Dragon isles is easy to find and this is where you need to go.

In the Wingrest Embassy to the north you’ll find the Fishing Trainer in the area, they’re found just chilling and fishing near the waters next to some giant toads that are equally chilling on a rock. You can use the images above and below for reference as you look for these NPCs. Who would have thought that the fishing trainer was next to fishing spots!

Congratulations you now know where to find this trainer in World of Warcraft, now go out there and try to do it yourself! Many thanks to WoW Quests for showing everyone where to find this trainer, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Dragonflight Fishing Trainer Location WoW Dragon Isles – YouTube