Easiest Game on Roblox has become quite a popular game because of the creative and secret endings that you can obtain in the game. The developer continues to add new endings to the game too, one of which we’ll be discussing. Check out our How To Get All Endings guide to find all of them!
We will be looking at the Beam and Abduction Ending that have been discovered in the Easiest Game on Roblox. It is quite a long ending, so you’ll want to get strapped in for this one. In this guide, we’ll be showing you all the steps that you need to follow. Let’s get into it!
How To Get Beam & Abduction Ending
To get the Beam and Abduction Ending in the Easiest Game on Roblox, you will need to follow the following steps:
- Press all the hidden red buttons in order by going through multiple endings
- Spawn the Button Area in the game
- Click on all the buttons to summon the Beam
- Go into the White Beam to get the Beam Ending!
- Follow the Spaceship and go into the Green Beam for the Abduction Ending.
Detailed Walkthrough
Here’s a table of contents for easy navigation throughout the article:
- How To Get Beam & Abduction Ending
- Detailed Walkthrough
- Free Keith
- Go to Vault Area (First Button)
- Free Keith Again (Second Button)
- Go to Clock Area (Third Button)
- Go to the Caves (Fourth Button)
- Go to Stuck Area (Fifth Button)
- Get the Lost Ending
- Go to the Fourth Obby (Sixth Button)
- Go to the Edge of the Map (Seventh Button)
- Go to the Cloud Area (Eighth Button)
- Go to Red Area (Ninth Button)
- Go to Yellow Area (Tenth Button)
- Press All The Buttons
- Enter The Beam (Beam Ending)
- Follow the Spaceship (Abduction Ending)
Free Keith
In essence, your goal is to get to the Button area by clicking on all the hidden buttons in order. There are a total of 10 hidden buttons that you’ll need to hit. Additionally, it will need to be in the proper order across multiple endings.
The first thing you need to do to get the Beam and Abduction Ending is to reach the Vault area. We have a detailed guide which will show you how to get there as part of the Vault Ending.
However, we will still provide you with an outline of how you can get there. Starting up, we’ll be freeing Keith.
You can skip going to the Red Area for the Code from the Apple. This is because you will not want to get access to the Vault with the Beam and Abduction ending. All you will need to do is simply get access to the area.
Start by going to the Yellow Area of Easiest Game on Roblox with the Cheese. You can do this by dropping the yellow ball into the gap and jumping inside.

Make your way to the Giant Cheese and click on it. Doing so will allow you to get some Cheese in your inventory.

Next, you need to drop down to the Sewer area. To do this, you’ll need to use the ball to jump to the ledge indicated below.

After that, drop down into the corner and you’ll land in the Sewer.

Once you’re in the Sewer, look into a corner. You’ll be able to make out a Rat and a Key. Take the piece of cheese in your hand and feed it to the Rat. After that, pick up the key and head to the other end of the sewer.

Here, you’ll find Keith, who is trapped behind a locked cell door. Use the key to open the door and free Keith. After that, enter the cell and grab the cheese that is next to some garbage bags.

Go to Vault Area (First Button)
Next up, you’ll be attempting to get into the Vault area. To do this, first make your way out of the sewers by climbing up the metal pole with Keith.
Once you’re up, you’ll need to get the red ball to spawn. You can do this by throwing it into the gap until it appears. After that, push the red ball into the spawn square.

Jump into the spawn square as well, making sure to stand on the red ball. Now move the camera around until you are able to see the lever inside the spawn square. Click on it and then fall down in the gap below.

You’ll respawn in a new location that looks similar to the original spawn area. However, instead of the Trophy, there will be a large gap there. Navigate to the gap as Keith continues to follow you. Make sure that he does not fall when crossing the bridge.

After that, jump down with Keith into the gap and you’ll find yourself in the Stuck area. Here, you’ll see a chair next to one of the walls. Your goal is to get Keith into the chair. You can do this by using the Cheese to lure him onto it.

Once he’s in the chair, he will slowly be pulled down with a hatch closing above him. No need to panic as you can let the hatch close. Wait for it to open up again and drop down into the gap.
Congrats you’re in the Vault area now! Go towards the Vault and turn towards the sleeping guard near a table. Move the camera around so that you’re looking under the table. Here, you’ll see the first hidden button. Click on the red button.
After that, you can reset your character.

Free Keith Again (Second Button)
Next, you’ll be freeing Keith again like you did previously. However, when you’re going to open his cell, you’ll be clicking on a hidden red button.
Just before his cell door, move the camera around until you’re looking under the small bridge. You’ll be able to see a red button underneath. Click on it before proceeding to free Keith.

After you’ve freed Keith, make sure to grab the skull at the back of his cell. Now escape the Sewers with Keith by climbing up the metal pole.

Go to Clock Area (Third Button)
Once you’re back up, you’ll be heading to the Clock Area located in the Yellow Area. You can find the entrance by heading towards the end of the gap, where you normally jump inside. Go to this location and you’ll be able to make out a small opening.

Jump towards the opening, making sure not to fall into the gap. You’ll find yourself in a small room with a large clock at one end. Turn around and look above the opening you just came from. You’ll be able to spot a red button there. Click on it.

Next, click on the Clock to return to the yellow area.

Go to the Caves (Fourth Button)
Once you’re in the Yellow Area with the Cheese, it is time to head towards the Caves. If you’re familiar with the Spiky Ending, you’ll know exactly how to get to the caves.
All you need to do is push the yellow ball to the back of the yellow area. You’ll need to push it across the bridge and make it touch the hidden doorway at the back. Once it touches this doorway, the cave opening will open and you can enter inside.

When you’re in the cave, you’ll see a bunch of crystals around you. Look for the Cyan colored crystal that is right above you. Move your camera around if you’re struggling to find it. Here, you’ll be able to make out another button that you should press.
After that, leave the Caves area by typing ‘ilovepaint’ in the chat box.

Go to Stuck Area (Fifth Button)
Next you’ll be going towards the Stuck area again as you did when you were going to the Vault. However, this time you will not be interacting with the chair. Instead, you’ll be opening the door that can be found in this area.

Use the key to open the door and enter inside. After that, look towards the edge of the doors that just opened. Click on the red button that you see on the back of the doors.
After that, rejoin the game again to reset.

Get the Lost Ending
After you’re back in the game, you’ll be working to get the Lost Ending. We’ve already got an entire guide for the Lost Ending as well.
This ending is very similar to the Vault ending. Repeat the steps that you did for the Vault Area part of this guide until you’ve lured Keith into the chair.
However, instead of letting the hatch close, jump inside as Keith is lowered into the ground. Doing so will allow you to get the Lost Ending. A few more steps until you have the Beam and Abduction Ending!

Go to the Fourth Obby (Sixth Button)
Next, you’ll be heading to the Fourth Obby. To get there, you’ll need to first climb up the ledges that are indicated below.

After that, go into the corner shown in the image below. Reset your character when you are in this position. Doing so will spawn you directly into the First Obby.

Navigate through the First Obby by jumping around and avoiding all the red blocks. Once you cross the line, it will turn green. Now, you can return to the same corner and reset your character. Doing so will allow you to go through the second Obby.

Go through all the Obbys until you reach the Fourth One. In this area, you want to navigate to the area shown in the image below. Here, you want to click on the Red Button.

Go to the Edge of the Map (Seventh Button)
From the Fourth Obby, you can immediately jump onto the green hedges on the side of the map. From here, drop further down to the ledge that is right next to the bottom of the map. Move your camera around and you should be able to make out another red button.
Click on the red button that is shown in the image below.

Go to the Cloud Area (Eighth Button)
Once you get this button, you will need to jump onto the tree in the original spawn area. You can do this easily by using one of the balls to climb on top of it. After that, jump up and you’ll start climbing an invisible ladder.

Use this ladder to go all the way to the top of the map. When you reach the top, you’ll arrive in the Cloud Area. You can actually get the Invisible Ending here if you haven’t gotten it already. In this area, click on the red button that is indicated below.

Go to Red Area (Ninth Button)
Return to the red area by pushing the red ball into the gap and jumping inside. Once you’re in the Red Area, zoom the camera out and move it around.
You’ll be able to find a red button on the top of the map. Click on the button, as shown in the image below.

Go to Yellow Area (Tenth Button)
Just one more button left for the Beam and Abduction Endings! Return to the Yellow area and go to the corner where you entered the sewer. Zoom out your camera and move it around a bit. You should see a red button in this corner.
Press it and you will be teleported to the Buttons Area. The entire map will be replaced with many buttons! You’ve almost got the Beam Ending!

Press All The Buttons
For the Beam Ending, you will need to press every single button in this area. That’s right. Every. Single. Button.
So, move around your camera and press every button that you can see. You’ll know you’ve pressed all the buttons when they start to turn white.

Enter The Beam (Beam Ending)
Once all the buttons are pressed, you’ll just need to wait for the beam to appear. There will be a large beam of light that will appear on the map. All you need to do is enter the Beam to get the ending.
You’ll also receive the Beam Ending badge for your efforts.
Next, we’ll be moving onto the Abduction Ending in Easiest Game on Roblox.

Follow the Spaceship (Abduction Ending)
After the Beam Ending, you’ll spawn back into the map with a bunch of aliens and spaceships in the area. Some new interstellar friends for you to interact with!
To get the Abduction Ending, all you’ll need to do is follow the spaceship that is hovering up in the air. You can zoom out the camera and simply follow it wherever it goes.

Keep following the spaceships and at one point the spaceship will stop and drop down a green beam. This is your opportunity to catch a ride.
Go up to the green beam and jump inside. You will slowly start floating and go into the spaceship.

Here, you will be met with an alien who’ll welcome you aboard. All you need to do is wait a little and let him talk. After a bit you will receive the Abduction Ending.
Additionally, you will also receive the badge for the Abduction Ending!

That’s everything you need to know about getting the Beam and Abduction Ending in Easiest Game on Roblox. Quite a long series of endings that requires a lot of steps to follow. We also recommend you check out the Buttons ending that you can also obtain in a similar method – with some differing steps towards the end.