The Cave System is the new level in Escape The Backrooms which follows after the Thalassophobia chapter. It’s so easy to get lost in this maze-like area with so many ways to go and so many creeping in the dark. This Cave System guide is perfect for you guys who’ve spent way too much time wandering in the dark.
Keep reading to find your way out of the darkness.
Cave System (Level 8) Guide
The level 8 of this round begins inside what looks like a room for an excavation project. The Cave System features horridly dark space, invoking the fear of everything that scares you in the dark. You’ll start with a table filled with everything you (and your team of 4!) need on this adventure.
NOTE: If you want to get rid of the dark, you can check out this guide on how to remove darkness in the Cave System level.
Ideally, with a team of 4, you can all go through different paths to check which one is the way. Hence the walkie-talkie and 4 flashlights.

When you enter the area make sure not to run around a lot. Especially in this part, you need to crouch by to avoid them. You can avoid the first two moths of this area by sprinting at full speed across. But if you like playing it safe, crouch when in doubt.
Do note that this entire guide might look brighter than the actual game. That’s because the settings have been turned down to remove the darkness the same way it’s shown in the guide linked above.

When you get out of this narrow space, you’ll see a bit of light there. Go inside there which serves as the checkpoint of this place. You’ll see a lot of similar rooms later in this level which is also a safe space of sorts.

Don’t miss the occasional Almond Water and Snack Bars in these rooms.
Turn the red valve to proceed to the next area. The previous area is a sort of a taste test of what the rest of the level will be like.

As usual, don’t run too much. When you reach this wide area, there’s going to be a moth to your right. Go straight and prepare the crouch again as they’ll be another moth to your right.

There’s going to be a bright area ahead of you thanks to the bioluminescence mushrooms that occasionally grow in this map.

Approach the left corner of this small area and then look to your right. There’ll be a path that goes up. Follow the path that goes to the left where you’ll end up in an open, better lit area with a bridge to go through.

Don’t run through the bridge and you’ll yet more supplies to get before heading into the safe room.

The following area is possibly the most confusing of all. Head out and take the path to the right and then to the left where there are mushrooms. Below are the screenshots show which path you should take.

Stick to the wall where the mushrooms are and you’ll find a way to go right. Follow that path and you’ll reach a wide area.

There are going to be more bright mushrooms next to the way you need to go through. The maze part is over and you just to follow the path.

However, be careful in this area as there are some creepy enemies you have to be careful of. They are people dressed in Hamzat suits, calling out for you. Crouch and turn off your flashlights. Hide from their line of sight.

Go to the final safe room here.

The next area is easy and you can see there’s a huge ravine between you and the area across. You’re not going there.
Find the ladder on your left and that’ll take you to the next level!

Good luck, don’t get lost and don’t die!
ALSO READ: Escape The Backrooms: Thalassophobia Guide | Level 7