Evelyn Chevalier is another Agent making her way to Zenless Zone Zero. She already seems to have a lot of value, but we also have another Agent Qingyi that a lot of players are also trying to get. Both are premium characters; they may require investment from your side.
So, you may be wondering, which character should you prioritize or go for first in Zenless Zone Zero currently? Not to worry, we have you covered. In this guide, we’ll be going over which Agent provides the better investment value to your team. Let’s get into it!
Evelyn vs. Qingyi: Who Offers Better Investment Value
Evelyn Chevalier is the new fire offensive character that benefits a lot from crit damage. She works best in a fire pivot and alongside stun or support characters. On the other hand, Qingyi is an Electric character whose prime role is her stun abilities.
To help you make the choice, we’ll be going over various factors which include Current Value, Alternatives, Future Value and Potential. Based on that, you’ll be able to make a more informed decision.
If you’re also wondering how Qingyi stacks up against Astra Yao in terms of investment, our astra yao vs qingyi guide can help you too!
Current Value
Current value is crucial to consider because you’ll want to factor in what you’re currently getting after you put your hard earned money into these characters. In our case, we have two very different characters.
Evelyn is a super offensive character who dishes out a lot of DPS. On the other hand, Qingyi is a stun character that mostly provides support and helps other characters dish out the damage.
We believe that Evelyn is the one that provides slightly better value. This is because you will always need a character to dish out DPS and she will always tick that box. Additionally, she is a fire character and currently we have very few options for fire.
Currently, Soldier 11 alongside Burnice and Luciana somewhat offer good fire value. But even then, Evelyn outshines them!
That’s not to say that Qingyi is far behind. She offers a lot of versatility and does crazy amounts of stun build up on the field. She also increases stun damage multipliers to help any character do lots of damage, whether its normal damage or Anomaly.
So, in a sense, she becomes a second buffer for the team. As a result, she is a lot more flexible compared to other stunners like Lighter, who is a bit more niche.
Both of them offer great current value, but Evelyn edges out because she’s a lot more unique.

Alternatives also will matter when you’re investing in these characters. After all, if there are other options for the same character that are potentially less expensive, then that will make the other option more valuable.
One important thing to consider is that in the current state of Zenless Zone Zero, elemental rarity doesn’t mean much. So, if you end up missing out on a certain elemental character, you’ll mostly be fine unless it’s a meta character.
Evelyn currently is the best fire character, with the fire element barely having any options. The only real alternative for her is Soldier 11 but even then she outshines him.
But the question is, do you really need her even though she is the best fire character? She can certainly work in non fire teams. As a result, you might be better off saving for characters which we mention in the future value section.
If you want to see what teams Evelyn thrives in, our best teams for evelyn guide has you covered!
Currently, the only real competition for Qingyi in the limited slot is Lighter. But Lighter also is a bit of a niche pick as he suits specific teams. On the other hand, Qingyi is more generalistic and versatile, fitting into most teams.
However, there are many other characters that she competes with when we look at buffing and stun, like Caesar and Seth.

Future Value
Future value is also an important factor because any future upcoming changes could lesser or even invalidate the value of the characters. As of now, we already have two new characters in the form of Pulchra and Trigger coming to the game.
The biggest downside of Qingyi is that she takes a lot of on field time. As a result, she only suits burst heavy DPS characters who dish out their damage in one go like Zhu Yuan. But characters like Soldier 11 or Ellen, who take up the limelight definitely underperform.
We don’t know what kit both the new characters offer, but we know that Pulchra and Trigger are both going to be stun characters. It is definitely possible that these characters directly compete with and outperform Qingyi.
She is still quite versatile, but Qingyi’s value may drop in the future.
Evelyn is the only attack limited fire character right now. So, she is definitely going to be attractive in the short and medium term of the game. As the game progresses, power creep and other elemental DPS characters might reduce her value.
But generally, players will always pick DPS characters for their current value. So, the future isn’t too much of a concern with Evelyn.

It’s also important to look at the nature and trend of how Hoyoverse and the developers function to determine the value of these characters.
In Hoyoverse and gacha games in general, we tend to see a lot of power creep in the second year of games. This is natural with there being a lot of character options available.
Unless there is a new class, type or path introduced, you’ll tend to see competition for already available characters.
Typically, you start to see power creep become an issue with DPS characters over support characters. So, we can expect Evelyn to get more competition as the second year approaches. But, on the other hand, DPS characters do have higher peaks so that’s an advantage for Evelyn right now.
She could even become stronger for a bit if we get a limited fire support that directly compliments her.
Qingyi is a character that was released early and has been here for a while. She still offers so much versatility but we can expect her potential to not be much in the future. This is because she is already getting direct competition in the form of Trigger, so she’s seeing the effects of power creep.
In that sense, both Qingyi and Evelyn will both be affected by this.

Lastly, these characters will be very different at their base form compared to having limited signatures, W engines and mindscapes.
In this case, DPS characters are generally more expensive to run as you’ll see a massive difference with and without signature. On the other hand, stun characters have a lot of free to play options.
As a result, for F2P potential, Qingyi is the clear winner. Without her mindscapes, she’ll still offer a lot of value. This doesn’t mean Evelyn is not bad to run, as you can still find good gear for her since she has a lot of Crit rate options.

Which Is The Better Investment?
In our opinion, we recommend that you should go for the character based on the current state of the game. In that case, we would suggest going for Evelyn, especially considering the lack of competition she has in the fire category.
Qingyi has gone on strong for a while but with competition on the horizon for her in the form of Trigger, she might not stay strong for long. Trigger could also offer a more refreshing style of play which could trump her too.
However, truth be told, none of these Agents will fall in the must pull category for us. So, if you would rather save for future characters, we would say that is the best investment.
But of course, if any of these characters suit your play style then definitely go for them!

That’s everything you need to know about who offers the better investment between Evelyn and Qingyi in Zenless Zone Zero. This time it was quite difficult to come to a consensus since both of these characters are so strong and different. Hopefully, the newer characters coming to the game will make things more clear!