Farming Simulator 25 has a wide variety of ways for you to start racking up cash and building up your production empire. In this guide, we will be talking about the canning factory and how to create preserved food and sell, which is a decent way to make a profit but can be extremely obtuse and complex to players who are still pretty new.
Canning Factory & Preserved Food Guide
Before we get started, there is way too much to learn when it comes to this process. We will only be covering the basics to help you get started, since it should be smooth sailing from there.
First up, the canning factory can be built for around $330,000, though you can also buy one that is already made if there is one to be found in the map you are playing on. You can also build a preserved food factory, which costs the same and has a similar function, but it is more compact and easier to place.

How to Produce Canned Goods
First, you are going to need a lot of products that you can get from various other facilities. Check out our guides on how to build and run a grain mill or how to harvest crops such as carrots too, since those will be really helpful in this part.
Once you have truck loads of these, or even just individual pallets, all you need to do is bring them over to the side of the factory and dump them over the designated spot. When you are done storing your ingredients, you can check your storage by going to the management menu.
To do this, walk over to the floating wrench icon near the front of the factory and press R to bring up the interface. You can also do this through the map, where you can click on the factory’s icon and find the “manage” button.

In this management interface, you can see a list of all products that you can produce. You can also check how many materials you have in each of your factories. In this case, you are going to see a lot of canned, preserved food products, and materials to store and use.
Alongside the list of incoming and outgoing products or materials, you will also see information such as the recipe for each selected product, as well as how much it costs to produce them and for how many cycles per month.
There are also three different output modes that you can change for every single product. Here is a quick summary of each possible option:
- Storing – While set to this, the products will simply be stored at the canning factory and eventually produce pallets until it can no longer do so.
- Selling – Obviously, this means your products will be automatically sold as they are produced. Your earnings will be significantly less than if you sold them manually.
- Distributing – Normally, this would send your outputs to other facilities that use them. However, in the case of the canning factory, it will most likely just store it as well since there are no known facilities that make use of the products.

As for making a profit, that will all be dependent on the prices in your current game session. This is not going to be the same for everyone, so trying to dictate which is the absolute best is not something we can do for you.
However, one thing to note about canning factory products is that most of them will typically net you similar profits except for the rice bags. Rice bags and rice boxes will cause you to either lose a lot of money or make too much of it, respectively. Obviously, this makes the latter the only one worth producing out of the two.
Also, production is not shared for this facility. This means that you can have every product active without cutting the amount they produce per cycle. If you are swimming in ingredients, then you can make a ton of money by just constantly pumping out all the products.
And that is everything you need to know in order to get started with this particular facility! As for how to get the resources needed to produce everything in it, you will just have to get those done on your own, as they come from various other methods.