If you wish to start farming Poplars in Farming Simulator 25, our complete guide is for you!
Poplars can be somewhat tough to farm properly. They don’t require a lot of setup or maintenance. However, they do require some expensive equipment to harvest quickly and also have an extremely long growth period. They can be turned into very profitable Wood Chips if you can deal with that, though!
In this complete guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know to plant, maintain, and harvest Poplars in Farming Simulator 25.
Poplars Complete Guide
Planting Poplars

Poplars are a bit of a unique case to plant in Farming Simulator 25. They don’t require you to do any field prep at all. You don’t need to plow the land or anything like that, you can just go straight to planting them! The only exception is that you’ll need to plow the land after your third consecutive Poplar harvest to prevent a yield penalty.

That said, you do need a special planter for it. You want to use the Damcon PL-75 which is found in the Tree Planters category in the shop. It’s in the forestry section. You can use any tractor you wish as long as it fits this planter.

As for the Poplar itself, you can find it in the Forestry section as well, under the Saplings category.

Also, keep in mind that the planting season for Poplar ranges from March to August. The harvest season lasts the whole year, however. This is irrelevant if you’re playing with Seasonal Growth disabled, though.

Once you’ve bought everything you need, attach your tractor to the PL-75 planter and approach your box of Poplar saplings. Then press the prompt to Refill Tree Planter, which you can see on the top left tooltip in-game.

Now you can just go to your field and start planting by lowering your tree planter and turning it on!
You can also hire an AI Worker to do the planting for you. Just keep in mind that they will leave wide gaps between rows of Poplars by default. However, you can force them to plant them densely if you set the Working Width to just 1.2m instead of the default.
Taking Care of Poplars

Poplars are relatively easy to take care of, as you just need to make sure to keep the field fertilized if you want to maximize yields. Ideally, you want to add two layers of any fertilizer of your choice. You can check your field’s needs from the Soil Composition section of the in-game map. This tells you whether it’s fertilized or not and what other things you need to do.

You can also check the Soil Composition directly by manually going to your field and looking at it. An info box should appear on the bottom right corner of the screen telling you everything you need to know about your crops.
Now, Poplars are relatively low maintenance, generally speaking. Fields of Poplars don’t grow weeds, for example. However, do make sure to check on the Soil Composition often. It will depend on where you set your field up, but you might need to roll and lime the field’s soil sporadically. Keep track of that if you want to maximize your yields during the harvest season!
Harvesting Poplars

Lastly, it’s time to talk about harvesting your Poplars. The bad news is that Poplars take an extremely long period of time to fully grow. They take between 13 to 20 months to fully grow, depending on when you planted them and whether you have Seasonal Growth enabled or disabled.
On the upside, Poplars start growing again after cutting without a need to replant them! They also don’t wither, so you don’t need to rush to harvest them.

As for the harvesting itself, there are two methods you can use:
- Biobaler Method – For this, you’ll need to get the Anderson Bumper and Anderson BioBaler WB-55 for your tractor. It’s also a good idea to get the Anderson RBM2000 Bale Loader to transport the bales.
- Using this method, you’ll cut down your Poplars and automatically turn them into Wood Chip Bales. It’s neater and is a good low-budget option, but it can be very slow if you have a large field.
- Trailer Method – The alternate method requires you to get a New Holland 130FB Header and a big trailer, such as the Farmtech DDK 2400. You’ll also need a harvester, of which we recommend the New Holland FR 780 for this.
- With this method, you’ll use your harvester to grab and automatically process the Poplars into Wood Chips. Just make sure to open the cover on the trailer and point the harvester’s pipe at the trailer! This method is a lot faster if you have a large field of Poplars, but requires very expensive equipment.

Lastly, you can transport your Wood Chips to any Station willing to buy them. Find them under the Prices menu while paused.
That’s our complete guide to Poplars in Farming Simulator 25. For help with other crops, check out our complete guide on Grapes and Olives!