In Fisch, you have the option of getting all sorts of rods that provide you with different bonuses when catching fish or items. One such rod is the Rod of the Exalted One. This rod is currently one of the more difficult rods to catch because of so many requirements.
You need to get a whole variety of relics to be able to get the Rod of the Exalted One. So, in this guide, we’ll show you how to get each relic to fulfill the requirements. Without further delay, let’s get into it!
How To Get Rod of the Exalted One
The Rod of the Exalted One makes it much faster to get exalted relics in Fisch. Normally, the odds of catching exalted relics are 1/2000. But with this rod, you get a 2.5% increase in the chances, increasing the chance to 1/800.
To get the Rod of the Exalted One, you will need to get 7 different enchant relics, which are:
- Hexed Enchant Relic
- Translucent Enchant Relic
- Mosaic Enchant Relic
- Atlantean Enchant Relic
- Fossilized Enchant Relic
- Crystalized Enchant Relic
- Greedy Enchant Relic.
Each of these enchant relics has its own requirements, so let’s see how you can get each one. If you’re only interested in the most difficult relics, check out our how to get crystalized and greedy enchant relic guide!
Hexed, Translucent And Mosaic Enchant Relic Method
Three three easiest enchant relics to get in FIsch are Hexed, Translucent and Mosaic enchant relics. To get them, all you need to do is get normal Enchant Relics and get them appraised.
You can do this by getting enchant relics and heading to the Appraiser. You can find the Appraiser stand in Moosewood, next to the merchant’s shop.
This method can be a bit annoying as you will need to keep appraising the enchant relics until you get the desired appraisals.

The best time to get the enchant relics appraised is when a mutation surge event occurs. This is because it increases the chance of getting a mutation on your enchant relics. So, if you see the event notification pop up, head to the Appraiser.
Another easy way to get the Hexed enchant relic is by using the No Life Rod. You can obtain this rod by reaching Level 500 in Fisch.

Atlantean Enchant Relic Method
The next easiest enchant relic to get is the Atlantean Enchant Relic. To get it, you will need to use the Trident Rod. The Trident Rod has a 30% chance to make any fish or item you catch Atlantean.
If you do not have this rod, check out our where to find trident rod guide.

Once you have the Trident Rod, head to The Depths. This is because The Depths has the highest chance of giving you enchant relics at 1/100. So, with the Trident Rod, you should be able to catch the Atlantean Enchant Relic.
We’ll be heading to The Depths a lot for the other relics too.
If you want to increase your chances further, use the Weird Algae as you bait. This is because it gives you 200% increased luck.

Fossilized Enchant Relic Method
There are two ways in which you can get the Fossilized Enchant Relic in Fisch. The first method is by appraising enchant relics at the Appraiser. However, the chances are really low and only viable when a Mutation Surge event occurs.
The other method will require you to get the Voyager Rod. To make the Voyager Rod, you’ll need to get x3 Opal. Opal can only be obtained through Meteors.
Meteors are rare but you can spawn them using the Meteor Totem. To get the Meteor Totem, head to Roslit Volcano. Explore the area by climbing up and you should be able to purchase the Meteor Totem from there.
The minimum amount of Meteor Totems you’ll need is 3. But we recommend getting more because the Opal Gems are rare.

After you get the totems, head to the Ancient Isle and spawn the meteors. After that, check the meteors and see if the Opal appears there. You’ll need to leave the game after and then spawn Meteors again.
Do this until you get the x3 Opal.

Next, you’ll need to get x3 Void Wood. To get it, you’ll need to head to the Statue of Sovereign. Head to the Sovereign Mines and interact with the NPC there to use the elevator.
Here, you’ll come up to the Keeper’s Altar. Start fishing in the water here and you should be able to get the Void Wood here. Using Weird Algae will increase your chances.
The final requirement is to get x1 Magic Thread. You will likely already have these as they can be obtained from Treasure Chests and fishing.

Finally, all you need to do is head to the Crafting Anvil. Over here, you should be able to craft the Rod of the Exalted One rod with the requirements:
- x3 Opal
- x3 Void Wood
- x1 Magic Thread.
With the Voyager Rod, head to The Depths as before and start fishing. It will give all the enchant relics you fish a 25% chance to have the Fossilized mutation.

Crystallized Enchant Relic Method
To be able to get this relic, you’ll need to get your hands on the Crystalized Rod. So, make your way to the Northern Expedition map.
From here, go towards the top of the summit until you reach the location shown below.
Here, you will need to fish for Glass Diamonds alongside your friend or alt account. The Glass Diamond is considered a Mythical fish so it could take a while.
Do this until you and the other account have a Glass Diamond. Some other locations where you can get Glass Diamonds are:
- Frigid Cavern
- Northern Summit – Surrounding Waters
- Overgrowth Caves.

After that, make your way further up the summit until you reach the Diamond Puzzle near the Frigid Cavern. Here, you’ll see two pressure plates that you can stand on. In the middle, there will be the Crystalized Rod covered in ice.
Stand on one of the plates and have your friend or alt account stand on the other with the Diamond. Doing so will melt the ice and allow you to get the Crystalized Rod.
Once you have the Crystalized Rod, any fish you catch with it will have a 12% chance of mutating a fish with Crystalized.
Using this rod, you’ll need to fish in any water until you can get the Crystalized Enchant Relic. This rod is the only way you’ll be able to get it.
Finally, head to The Depths and start fishing. Any enchant relics you get will have a 12% chance to be crystalized. Keep in mind that you cannot get Crystallized Enchant Relics from appraising.

Greedy Enchant Relic Method
There are two ways to get the Greedy Enchant Relic. One of them is through appraising but the chances are really low. So, we recommend using the next method.
The next method will require you to get the Rod of the Eternal King. To craft this rod, you’ll need the following items:
- x2 Golden Sea Pearls
- x3 Inferno Wood
- x1 Lunar Thread.
To get the x3 Inferno Wood you’ll need to fish at Roslit Volcano with the Reinforced Rod. You can get this rod by purchasing it from the Merchant in Desolate Deep.
You can get the Lunar Thread just by fishing or opening Treasure Chests. You’ll likely already have some at this point.
To get the Golden Sea Pearls, you need to head to the back of Roslit Bay, where the Clam fishing spot is. Make sure to stand on the sand and fish from here. The Golden Sea Pearls have a chance to be caught here.
Make sure to do this when the Ashfall event is not going on. Otherwise, you will not be able to catch it.

Once you have all the items, just return to the Crafting Anvil and craft the Rod of the Eternal King. Next, head to The Depths and fish for enchant relics. Any enchant relics you catch will have a 20% chance of being Greedy.

Crafting Rod Of The Exalted One
Once you have all the enchant relics, it’s time to craft the Rod Of The Exalted One. To do this, you’ll need to head to Mushgrove Swamp.
In this area, you should find a secret spot marked below. It is a wall that stands out from the rest. When you approach the wall, you should be able to walk through.

Inside, there is an elevator that will lead you to The Keeper’s Secret. Here, there are seven podiums on which you can place the seven enchant relics.
Placing them will give you the Rod of the Exalted One alongside x3 Enchant Relics.

That’s everything you need to know about getting the Rod of the Exalted One in Fisch. Quite a lot of steps with many of the relics depending on your luck. But keep at it and you should be able to get all the requirements covered!