Roblox Fisch has a new rod that you can obtain called the Rod of the Exalted One. It is a Stage 6 rod that allows you to get high value catches with minimum effort. But to obtain it you will need to get all the Enchant Relics which is no easy task.
Most of the relics can be obtained with appraisal – except the Crystalized and Greedy Enchant Relics. So, if you’re having trouble with them, we’ve got you covered! In this guide, we’ll show you how you can get both of these elusive relics. Let’s dive in!
How To Get Crystalized & Greedy Enchant Relic
The Crystalized and Greedy enchant relics both have different obtainment methods. To get them both, we strongly suggest you have at least three friends – as you’ll not be able to get the relics without them.
You’ll need a friend or alt account for the Crystalized enchant relic, and four players for the Greedy enchant relic.
Crystalized Enchant Relic Obtainment Method
First, we’ll look at how you can get the Crystalized enchant relic. To be able to get this relic, you’ll need to get your hands on the Crystalized Rod. So, make your way to the Northern Expedition map.
From here, go towards the top of the summit until you reach the location shown below.
Here, you will need to fish for Glass Diamonds alongside your friend or alt account. The Glass Diamond is considered a Mythical fish so it could take a while.
Do this until you and the other account have a Glass Diamond. Some other locations where you can get Glass Diamonds are:
- Frigid Cavern
- Northern Summit – Surrounding Waters
- Overgrowth Caves.

After that, make your way further up the summit until you reach the Diamond Puzzle near the Frigid Cavern. Here, you’ll see two pressure plates that you can stand on. In the middle, there will be the Crystalized Rod covered in ice.
Stand on one of the plates and have your friend or alt account stand on the other with the Diamond. Doing so will melt the ice and allow you to get the Crystalized Rod.
Once you have the Crystalized Rod, any fish you catch with it will have a 12% chance of mutating a fish with Crystalized.
Using this rod, you’ll need to fish in any water until you can get the Crystalized Enchant Relic. This rod is the only way you’ll be able to get it.

Greedy Enchant Relic Obtainment Method
Next, we’ll be looking at how you can get the Greedy Enchant Relic. For this, you’ll need to get your hands on the Rod of the Eternal King. So, start by making your way to the Ancient Isle.
When you arrive here, make your way to the waterfall. From the top of the waterfall, glide down so that you can go inside it. Here, there will be a secret entrance that leads to a cave.

At the end of the cave, there will be a rope that leads down. Interact with it so that you can descend down.

This will take you to the Fragment Puzzle in the waterfall. To solve the puzzle, you’ll need to get your hands on four fragments and put them inside. Here are where each of the fragments are:
- Ancient Fragment (Purple)
- You can catch it using any fishing rod by fishing in the Surround Waters of Ancient Isle
- Earth Fragment (Cyan)
- You can pick it up in the same cave where you can buy the Pheonix Rod and Eclipse Totem on Ancient Isle
- Solar Fragment (Orange)
- You can find it at the peak of the Ancient Isle mountain, but you can only pick it up during an Eclipse
- Deep Sea Fragment (Blue)
- You can pick it up any time by swimming to the bottom of where the waterfall and Ocean meet in Ancient Isle.
Once you have the four fragments, place them into the pillars. After that, four players will need to stand on each of the pressure plates and rotate the pillars to complete the puzzle. Doing so will open the door permanently for the four players.
Keep in mind that you can only rotate the pillars during an Eclipse.

After the doors open, enter the Ancient Archives and make your way all the way to the end. There will be gaps here that are hard to get past without the Advanced Glider. We strongly suggest you have it if you want to make it all the way to the end.
Our how to get advanced glider guide can help you if you do not have it.
At the end, you’ll see the Crafting Anvil.

Interact with the anvil and you’ll see the Rod of the Eternal King recipe. If you do not see it, it means you have not reached Level 650. The requirements to get this rod are:
- Golden Sea Pearl x2
- Inferno Wood x3
- Lunar Thread x1
- 250,000 C$
- Level 650.
After you craft this rod, you will now be able to catch fish with the Greedy effect. All fish caught with the Rod of the Eternal King have a 20% chance to be mutated with Greedy.
So, you can fish with this rod and have a chance to get the Greedy Enchant Relic.
Once you have all the enchant relics, you will finally be able to craft the Rod of the Exalted One.

That’s everything you need to know about getting the Crystalized and Greedy Enchant Relics in Roblox Fisch. Quite a lot of steps to get each one which includes grinding. But the final reward is certainly worth it as it is one of the best rods in the entire game!