Callisto is surrounded by aliens that will rip you, and anyone else, apart if given the chance. You can survive, but you need to be aware of what happens around you at all times. Either that, or maybe get someone to join you. Jacob has the great fortune of finding a partner in Dani, who is (spoiler alert) the reason why he’s stuck on Callisto in the first place. But with alien monsters hiding in every corner, Jacob has no choice but to team up with the person that brought him to Callisto. Unless she disappears on him.
The Callisto Protocol – Follow Dani
Enter the wreckage

You will have to follow Dani into the wreckage, where Jacob first encounters Ferris and Dani for the first time. You will see a path that leads to a hole in the cockpit. Enter through here.

Once in the wreckage, go straight through the ship and to the back of it. There are some collectibles and items you can find around the ship, but your main goal is the door that leads to the cargo area.

Once you go through the door, you will see some the back of the ship is still falling apart. Look to your left and you should see a destroyed staircase. You can safely drop down here.

Once you are down on the ground, turn around and you should see Dani opening one of the cargo Jacob was bringing to other planets. Approach her and you will get a cutscene.
ALSO READ: Callisto Protocol: Locate The Medical Facility Guide