Genshin Impact: 75 Seconds Dire Versus Mishima Michitoshi Guide

Stefany Hernandez
2 Min Read

The Mishima Michitoshi is one of the event challenges added in Genshin Impact. There are different difficulty challenges for the level and you can get rewards like Primogems for completing them. This guide will show you how to complete the Dire level. 

Dire Versus Mishima Michitoshi – Genshin Impact

To start the Dire Versus Mishima Michitoshi, go to the event challenge page and select the Versus Mishima Michitoshi. Select the Dire difficulty which is the middle challenge with two stars on it. 

This challenge will require you to defeat the opposing duelist within 75 seconds. Once you are ready, press start. A cutscene will occur and you need to defeat Mishima Michitoshi. Wait for him to stop parrying and carry on with your attacks. 

Counter and time his attacks if you can, because this will deal a huge amount of damage to him. Get at least 4 to 5 counters and you should be able to bring him down in under 75 seconds. Once you defeat him in under 75 seconds, you will emerge victoriously and complete the challenge. 

Completing the Dire difficulty will give you 20 Primogems, 2 Philosophies of Light, and 4 Guide to Light. 

ALSO READ: Genshin Impact: Versus Mishima Michitoshi Guide

Stefany has always been inspired by the narrative design, creativity, and world-building of video games. She is an avid gamer and an indie game developer that loves creating content for gamers like herself.
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