There’s a time challenge in Genshin Impact that can be head-scratching, called “Destroy all the Pufferfruit within 3 attacks.” It’s part of a chained challenges to unlock a bigger chest in the middle and you’re probably eager to figure how exactly one does this.
How To Destroy All The Pufferfruit Within 3 Attacks
If you don’t know yet where to find it, it’s located to the east of the Court of Fontaine. You’ll find a nearby chest enclosed in a barrier and this time challenge linked to it. First, take the Blubberbeast’s sonar power, and then activate it.

It’s actually easy. Align yourself with the Pufferfruits which is rotating is a circular motion. Then hold your E button, or skill button if you’re on mobile or console. Don’t use singular hits or left-clicking! This is also only doable with the Blubberbeast’s sonar skill which works similar to the Traveler’s Hydro skill.
This counts as only one attack and while it doesn’t last forever, it lasts long enough for you to finish all the Pufferfruits in one go!

That’s how you can “Destroy all the Pufferfruit within 3 attacks”. Make sure to also finish all the nearby challenges to grab the final chest!
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