Genshin Impact: Find the Branch and Leaves with Arapandu Guide

Genshin Impact: Find the Branch and Leaves with Arapandu Guide

Jon Suan
3 Min Read

Open-world video games can be quite big and vast these days. With so many places, towns, points of interest and enemies scattered everywhere, it’s pretty common for people to miss a few things. People still find places they’ve never seen before in their hundreds of playthroughs of Skyrim. Worlds like Minecraft and Elder Scrolls Daggerfall have such big worlds that it’ll take months for you to go around each inch of those worlds. Even in Genshin Impact, you might get lost even with the minimap. So in this guide, we’ll show you where to find the Branch and Leaves with Arapandu.

Find the Branch and Leaves with Arapandu Guide For Genshin Impact

There is plenty of exploration to be had in Genshin Impact. That’s because they’ve placed so much thought in the exploration aspect of the game that you will subconsciously do it. There are plenty of quests where you have to get from Point A to Point B and in-between that you get a chance to see the beautiful world they create. Some people don’t notice this and play on but we all know you at least stopped once to enjoy the view.

In one of the quests in the game you’re tasked with going to another point in the map. Find the “Branch” and “leaves” with Arapandu places you in a zone with a great view of the mystical landscape as you traverse to another place for the quest.

Source: WoW Quests – YouTube

From where you regain control of your character the point you want to go to is just to the northeast. It’ll be marked on your map and you can’t miss it. It’s tucked in a corner of this very vertical place. So you should check the image above if you have trouble finding it.

Congratulations you now know where to find that specific point for a quest in Genshin Impact. Now go out there and find it yourself! Many thanks to WoW Quests for showing everyone where to go. If you need more information then check their video here: Find the Branch and Leaves with Arapandu Genshin Impact – YouTube

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An aspiring Game Journalist and Fiction writer.
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