Some games can be quite difficult when it comes to their quests, with others having their difficulty coming from enemies or boss monsters. Other games have quests where the main difficulty comes from platforming or puzzles. Then there are some games out there that want nothing more than to make the player’s life as difficult as possible. A great example is back in the early days of point-and-click adventure games, puzzles in the genre were nonsensical or didn’t have any clues at all. In this Investigate The Courtyard Far Down The Corridor guide, we’ll show you one of the more difficult puzzles most players have a problem solving in Genshin Impact.
Investigate The Courtyard Far Down The Corridor In Genshin Impact
Quests in Genshin Impact can range from easy as walking to point A to point B to difficult and convoluted like their lore. There are quests where you need to follow a floating ball to get to a chest and then there’s quests which spans 5 puzzles, 15 enemies and 50 lines of dialogue to get to a chest. Some of these quests can be infuriating to do, sometimes because of their difficulty or just the design of it. In this article we’ll show you one of those infuriating quest designs.
One of the puzzles in the game has you go to and investigate a courtyard where there is this puzzle where you need to position your camera so that the image below is seen.

The problem with this puzzle though is that when you step on the glowing part on the floor and try to finish the puzzle, it won’t do anything. That’s because, probably due to a bug, the correct place you need to stand to is near the wooden fence in front of the glowing part of the floor.

Once you’re near the fence try and do the puzzle again, it might take a few camera wiggles but you’ll soon get the hang of it. Once you do the quest will continue.
Congratulations you now know how to do this certain puzzle in the quest, now go out there and try it yourself. Massive thanks to ZaFrostPet for showing how the puzzle actually works, if you need more information check their video out here: Investigate the courtyard far down the corridor Genshin Impact – YouTube
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