The Risen Moon Chapter is part of Genshin Impact’s Agnihotra Sutra quest line and it involves a lot of things you typically expect from the game. A quest line filled with fun side characters, a great story, exploration and puzzles as well as a lot of enemies to fight. In this guide we’ll show you how to Risen Moon Chapter works.
Risen Moon Chapter Guide For Genshin Impact
The quest starts with your character needing to find Aragaru, it’s not a difficult part of the quest since you only need to follow the waypoint on your map. The place itself is pretty open and clear so don’t worry about getting lost.

Once you’ve talked to Aragaru you’ll need to follow the waypoint and get to the cave where there’s a rock blocking the way. This is where you’ll learn about Aragaru’s Kusava which can destroy specific stones that block your way or block items.

To use the Kusava just equip and press Z, then aim the Kusava at the rock blocking your way. That should destroy it. Going inside the cave some more and you’ll find some enemies to fight, clear the easy to beat enemies and you’ll get a cutscene.

As you continue the level you’ll need to look for some runes. The runes are hidden behind rocks that the Kusava can break so while going through the level break all the rocks you can see.

All 3 sets of runes are close to each other. The last rune leads you to the next part of the quest. You’ll now need to exit the cave so retrace your steps to get out.

The next part of the quest is to follow the waypoint. It’ll lead you to a hole on the ground with water flowing into it. Jump down and it’ll lead you to the next part of the quest, which is to get the Basram flower. We have a whole guide for that right here: Genshin Impact: Use The Kusava To Break The Seal On The Barsam Flower Guide.
Follow that guide to finish the quest and you’re off to the next and final quest of the chain!
Congratulations you now know how to do the Risen Moon Chapter for Genshin Impact. So, now go out there and try it yourself! Many thanks to WoW Quests for showing everyone how the quest works. If you need more information then check their video out here: Risen Moon Chapter Genshin Impact – YouTube
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