Taking note of your funds and having to figure out how to use them is such an exhausting task. Mostly because it has math (I did not do well with math in school). Luckily, games like Genshin Impact do the hard work for you, and all you have to do is just rack up those numbers. In the newest event called Of Ballads and Brews, you get to manage a shop and do business. However, some players are still confused on how to secure funds for the shop. In this guide, we will explain how it works.
Secure Funds Guide – Genshin Impact
The way Secure Funds works is that you have to do the quests that show up here so your funds can go up. Select any quest here in the Secure Funds menu and you will then be tasked to do that quest.
Do the quest as the objectives tell you. Eventually, you will talk to a shop owner in order to place an order. Here, you will have to use the money that the NPC that you talked to earlier in order to barter. The trick here is to find an offer that profits both you, and the owner.
Don’t go too low because the owner will not accept the deal. Don’t go too high because you will receive less funds after the quest is done. Finding a middle ground is the best way to get the maximum amount of funds you can get for yourself.
When you get a deal that benefits you both, the owner will accept it. After that, finish the quest and open your Secure Funds menu. You will then see that your little bar has gone up. Keep doing quests and barter effectively, and you will eventually reach the next level of that bar.
READ NEXT: Genshin Impact: Unlock The Shop By Securing 32000 Funds