In-game books aren’t for everyone, some people don’t like reading long walls of texts. Some people don’t even like reading any text at all in video games and I can understand that. People play video games in different ways, some people like immersing themselves while others just want to hit things with a stick. For those who do like in-game books, literature or codexes, Genshin Impact has you covered. The game has a lot of books and stories in the game itself that you can read to immerse yourself into the world more. In this guide, we’ll show you where to find the Tale of Shiruyeh and Shirin.
The Tale of Shiruyeh and Shirin In Genshin Impact
Well wrote ‘one of them’ but this book is actually a two-part story. In the city of Sumeru is a building to the east side of it called the House of Daena. Inside it is a large library where all sorts of books can be found, a treasure trove for those who love to read books in games.
The first part is in the central chamber. Before you cross the walkway to the center, drop down. To the left you’ll see some bookcases with something to interact with. Tale of Shiruyeh and Shirin I is inside one of the shelves.

On one of the tables to the southeast of the center of the room is Tale of Shiruyeh and Shirin II.

Congratulations you now know where these books are in Genshin Impact. Now go out there and add these books to your collection! Many thanks to WoW Quests for showing everyone where these books are. If you need more information on the subject then check their video out here: The Tale of Shiruyeh and Shirin Genshin Impact – YouTube
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