Ghoul Re: How to Get Solace & Showcase

A beautiful, flaming blue Quinque…

Abdullah Riaz
5 Min Read

Ghoul://Re offers both ghouls and humans a lot of options when it comes to combat. For ghouls, currently there is a good selection of quinque to choose from that can suit your style. Each quinque also offers a unique moveset.

In this guide, we’ll be looking at Solace, which quite a few players even like more than the SSS Owl quinque. We’ll show you how to get your hands on it – including a showcase of the moves. Without further delay, let’s get into it!

How to Get Solace & Showcase

There are currently three quinque that you can get through boss raids in Ghoul Re – including Solace. If you’re still having trouble deciding which one to get, we recommend checking out our best quinque tier list.

How To Get Solace

Starting off, to get Solace in Ghoul Re, you will first need to obtain its blueprint. You can do this by defeating the Tatara Raid Boss in the game until he drops the blueprint.

If you aren’t sure how to start this boss fight, you can do it by talking to the NPC in the blue tracksuit. She can be found near the CCG base and you will need to select the wanna fight option.

Keep in mind that fighting a boss will cost you 5k Yen.

Blue tracksuit NPC in Ghoul Re.

Once you have the Solace blueprint, you will need to get the materials to complete it. Here is a breakdown of the materials you need:

  • Deformed Kakuhou x5
  • Refined Bikaku Fragment x10
  • One Eyed Fragment x5
  • Bronze x60
  • Kakuja Fragment x15
  • Molded Gold x55
  • Steel x55
  • Gold x10
  • Bikaku Fragment x50
  • Molded Steel x55.

You can get the following materials from the Owl boss as drops:

  • One Eyed Fragment

Here are the materials that you can get from Mission Boards:

  • Deformed Kakuhou
  • Refined Bikaku Fragment (craft)
  • Bronze
  • Steel
  • Gold
  • Molded Steel
  • Molded Gold
  • Kakuja Fragment (craft)
    • Bikaku Fragments x5
    • Ukaku Fragments x5
    • Koukaku Fragments x5
    • Rinkaku Fragments x5

Once you have all the materials, simply craft the Solace blueprint and you’ll be able to use the quinque. Now, let’s take a look at a showcase of all the moves, so you can see whether it’s worth it for your play style!

Solace required materials in Ghoul Re.

Solace Showcase

The great thing about the Solace is that it functions as both a dagger and bow – with moves available for both of them! So, you have moves that you can use up close and at a ridiculous range. 


Your character will take out a bow and charge an attack with the bow. Once launched, a blast of blue flames is fired at the enemy.

Critical move for Solace in Ghoul Re.

Z – Flare

On activation, this move launches your character in the air who aims with the bow at the enemy below. Your character will then fire a downward blast of blue flames.

Flare move in Ghoul Re.

X – Incineration

When you use this move, your character will pull out the bow and fire rapid small blasts at the enemy. This move can be used to deal continuous damage.

Incineration move in Ghoul Re.

C + M2: Pyroclasm Variant

Using only C allows you to use the normal Pyroclasm move. With this move, your character will launch a blast of blue flames at the enemy followed by kicking them in the air.

With the Pyroclasm variant that includes the M2, your character will also fire a blast of blue flames upwards at the opponent while they are in the air.

Pyroclasm variant in Ghoul Re.

Y – Ignite

This is used to change the mode between the bow and the dagger.

Ignite move in Ghoul Re.

Bow M1

The bow functions differently from the dagger moveset. You can use the bow to fire blasts at the enemy, with each shot depleting the blue flame bar in the bottom right of your screen.

Keep in mind that you will need to use Ignite to change to the bow if you want to use this move.

Bow M1 in Ghoul Re.

That’s everything you need to know about getting Solace and a showcase of the moves in Ghoul Re. As you can see, this quinque is worth it as you get so much variety when it comes to moves. The drops are also not as difficult to get compared to other quinque.

Abdullah loves to get lost in the stories and lands that video games have to offer. Almost like a vagabond, he never sticks to a game and instead pushes on to experience everything that he can. He is never shy of trying a new gaming experience, whether it be indie or AAA. When he isn’t playing, you’ll usually find him writing as he obsesses over new cyberpunk and sci-fi ideas or running after doggos.
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