
Go Pee At 3AM: 8 New Endings Complete Guide | Roblox

These new endings are crazy!

You have the sudden urge to use the bathroom on a chilly summer night in Go Pee At 3 AM. While you can simply go to the toilet and use it, there are several other ways to achieve different endings as well. With the latest update, the game received eight more new endings, and we are going to take a look at them in this guide.

Go Pee At 3 AM. New Endings

The game already had sixteen endings in total. Each one of them was pretty fun to achieve, and now we have eight more. If you are ready to get even crazier just to go pee in the middle of the night, let’s see what you can do to get all those new endings.

If you are looking for a specific ending, feel free to check out the table of contents below.

Go pee at 3 AM beginning.

Electrified Ending

One of the new endings you can achieve in the game is the electrified ending. As you might already guess from the name, this one is going to hurt

In the beginning, start by taking the red key next to your bed. Then, leave your room and go to the kitchen.

Picking up the red key in Go pee at 3 AM.

After that, go to the kitchen and open the drawer under the sink. There, you are going to find a fork.

Taking the fork in Go pee at 3 AM

Once you get that fork, you should find the toaster and stick the fork inside it. The toaster will be located on the countertop to your right.

After sticking the fork inside, you are going to get the electriced ending. The good thing is, you don’t have to worry about peeing ever again.

Sticking a fork in the toaster in Go pee at 3 AM

Milk Ending

Once again, you are going to start by taking the red key next to your bed. You are going to use the key to unlock the door of your room. However, do not do this yet. First, you need to take the money inside the box under your study desk.

Collecting money in Go pee at 3 AM

After taking the money, you can unlock the lock and leave your room. Then, turn right and walk toward the front door to leave the house.

Outside of the house in Go pee at 3 AM

You are going to need 10 dollars to purchase yourself a carton of milk. Therefore, pick up the money on the sitting bench right across your house. Then, walk towards the light blue building behind it; it is the store.

Once inside, check the freezer on the left to find the milk. Go to the cashier and purchase it.

Store in Go pee at 3 AM

Then, leave the store and take a full turn to the right to see the children’s playground. Go to the playground and get on top of the slide. There, you are going to see a little kid. After walking closer to him, he will recognize you…

Apparently, this little kid is your child, and you told him that you were going to go get some milk years ago… Just kidding, the kid confuses you with his dad, but you tell him that you are not his father. Just like this, you will get the milk ending.

Milk Ending in Go pee at 3 AM

Sandwich Ending

For this ending, leave your room once more. You need to find another key in the living room this time. In order to find it, go and open the cabinet behind the table. You need to take a look at the one on the left.

Finding blue key in Go pee at 3 AM

Inside the cabinet, you are going to find a blue key. Pick it up and turn around. There, you are going to see the door with a blue lock on it. Before unlocking it, take the money on the kitchen countertop and go outside.

Head straight ahead to find the store across the street.

Purchasing sandwich bread in Go pee at 3 AM

Pick up a sandwich bread from the shelf there and go to the cashier to purchase it. After that, you can leave the store and go back to your house to unlock the blue lock.

Unlocking the blue lock will enable you to get inside your mother’s room. Walk closer to her, and then you are going to wake her up, and she is going to make a sandwich for you. Like this, you are going to get the sandwich ending.

Sandwich ending in Go pee at 3 AM

Beans Ending

Once again, pick up the red key and the money under your desk. This time, you are going to need more money. Therefore, take a look around your room and find other banknotes as well.

Collecting money in Go pee at 3 AM

Then, you can leave your room. However, as we said, you are going to need more money. Do not forget to take the money at the counter and on the street bench outside.

At this point, you should have 25 dollars in total. Head to the store and find the beans on the shelf to your right.

Purchasing beans in Go pee at 3 AM

The beans cost exactly 25 dollars, so you can simply take them and purchase them. Then, either leave the store or stay inside, but you are going to need to eat the beans.

As soon as you eat the beans, you are going to start feeling sick. Thus, you should go back to your house and to the bathroom.

Eating beans in Go pee at 3 AM

It looks like the beans were expired, and you got sick. When you are inside the bathroom, go to the toilet, and you are going to throw up. Finally, you are going to get the beans ending.

Beans ending in Go pee at 3 AM

Death Ending

In order to get this ending, take the red key and all the money inside your room, in the kitchen, and on the sitting bench outside. Just like you did in the Beans ending.

The death ending requires you to follow each and every step in the bean ending. Including purchasing a can of beans and eating them. However, this time you are not going to go to the bathroom after eating it. After waiting for a couple of seconds, you will die and get the death ending.

Death ending in Go pee at 3 AM

DIY Sandwich Ending

I don’t know about you but I was kind of disappointed that you woke up your mother in the middle of the night to make you a sandwich. This time, you are going to act mature and do it yourself.

Simply follow the steps in the sandwich ending and buy yourself some bread. After buying it, you can go back to your house and leave it on the kitchen countertop.

Sandwich bread in Go pee at 3 AM

Then, leave the house and walk to the red house across the street. You are going to find a brown key on the left side of that house’s garden.

After picking up the brown key, use it on the front door of the red house and get inside.

Walking towards the red house in Go pee at 3 AM

Once you are inside, use the door on the right and get to the bedroom. There, you are going to see a blue bed on the right.

Look at the left side of the blue bed, and you are going to find a knife under it.

Finding the knife in Go pee at 3 AM

Pick up the knife and go back to your house. Then, go to the sandwich bread you put on the kitchen countertop before, and use the knife to slice it.

After that, simply put the sandwich you made in the toaster. Once it is cooked, eat it and you are going to get a DIY sandwich ending.

DIY sandwich ending in Go pee at 3 AM

Energetic Badge

This one is not exactly an ending, but it is a badge that you can earn. In order to get the energetic badge, simply unlock the red lock on your door and leave the house. You should head to the store again.

Inside the store, take a look at the shelves on the left and you are going to see the energy drinks there. Since they are super healthy and beneficial, they are free.

Free energy drinks in Go pee at 3 AM

Since they are free, you can get as much as you want. Take each energy drink and drink all of them one by one. Once you are done, you will get the Energetic badge.

Energetic badge in Go pee at 3 AM

Certified Chef Ending

The next new ending we are going to talk about is the certified chef ending. For this one, you are going to collect all the money in the house. This means that, get the money in your room, on the kitchen countertop, and check out all the drawers and cabinets in the living room.

Gathering money in Go pee at 3 AM

You should have 40 dollars now. Go to the store and take the pink key from the shelf on your right. Then, use it on the pink lock right next to it.

Unlocking the pink lock in Go pee at 3 AM

This door will lead you to the storage room of the store. Find the hammer next to one of the shelves, and pick it up. Then, go back to your house and leave it there. Since you cannot carry two items at once, you are going to need to leave the hammer in the house first.

Taking hammer in Go pee at 3 AM

After that, go back to the store and purchase the 40-dollar pan. You are going to need it for your big certified meal.

Purchasing pan in Go pee at 3 AM

Once you purchase the pan, you can go back to your house and start getting ready for your great meal. Use the hammer you bought earlier to break the glass of the fish tank in the corner of the living room.

Take the fish and go to the pan to cook it. You are going to put the fish on the pan, and then you are going to get the certified chef ending.

Certified Chef Ending in Go pee at 3 AM

These are all eight new endings available in Go Pee At 3AM! We hope that this guide has helped you achieve each one of them. If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to leave a comment below!


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    • That what I’m trying to figure out. Seems like it can only be done on pc rn. All I know is there’s a code in the one poster next to the bed in ur character’s bedroom. It’s really hard to see though

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