Progressing through God of War Ragnarok will eventually land you trying to solve all the gear doors puzzles in Helheim. The mechanical gear doors cannot be opened easily. The doors require a combo of freezing and hex arrows to solve the puzzles.
This guide is going to show you the solution for each Gear door puzzle in Helheim, so you don’t have to think your way through each one. Let’s get started.
All Gear Door Puzzle Solution
Kratos and Atreus will encounter four gear door puzzles that will get harder as you progress. The goal for each door to stay open is to freeze them to keep the doors open after Atreus hits them with the hex arrows.
First Gear Door
The first solution to the first-gear door is relatively simple. First, shoot 3 hex arrows at the glowing purple area. You will need this to be able to freeze the gears.

Afterward, turn the gears in front of the gate to open the gate. Once you have it opened, throw your freezing axe to freeze the door open so that you can safely pass through it.
Second Gear Door
The second Gear door features a long metal(or wooden?) structure needed to open the gate. Place a couple of Hex arrows vertically on it then turn the gear.

This will make the long structure shorten and once you’ve finished turning the gear, simply freeze the hex arrow placements to freeze the gate in place.
Third Gear Door
The third gate is trickier than the first two. Behind the gold metal bars, are two slabs of cement that move when you turn the gear. To solve the puzzle, place a hex arrow on each end of the slab so you can freeze them later on.

Once you’ve placed them, turn the gear. This will lead to the gate opening. To permanently open the gate, simply freeze the spots on the illustration where you have placed the hex arrows.
Fourth Gear Door
The fourth gear door is the last and trickiest one of all. Solving this one requires a different order, so pay attention to this order.
First, turn the gear to open the gate. This will place the gears where we want them for now. Second, place hex arrows on the lower part of the biggest gear behind the metal bars.

Afterward, lower the gate to bring the hex on top in the middle of all the gears. This will enable you to freeze the entire gear. Lastly, place a hex arrow again on the lower gear then freeze it.

This will enable you to freeze the gears, allowing you to successfully pass through the gate to reach your objective. Simply follow the step for each gate, to quickly get through the door puzzles in Helheim.