God of War has been a long standing series in videogame, it may not be as long lived as Call of Duty or Diablo, but the series has a large and loyal fan base. With the release of the most recent games it has garnered even more fans, and with the release of God of War Ragnarok it will sure find more. After the few days of its release it already had overwhelmingly positive reviews. The game features a more open world, more characters from Norse mythology and so on. In this guide we’ll show you how to do the Garden for the Dead quest.
Garden for the Dead Guide For God Of War Ragnarok
There are a lot of different quests in God of War Ragnarok, one of them is the Garden for the Dead and it can be found in Vanaheim, in Noatun’s Garden. There you’ll find the Astrid and a small cutscene will play, and you’ll need to clear the area of poison totems.

Directly behind where you find Astrid is where one of the totems are, find a gap in the wall where you can throw your axe into one of the explosive pots to destroy it.

To the northeast is another poison totem, find an angle where you can hit the explosive pot just behind the debris.

Finally head south and next to a pond is a wall that you can climb up to when facing west. Climb up and look directly Northeast, there you’ll find a white vase that you can hit with your axe to destroy the last poison totem.

After destroying all of the totems go back to Astrid and finish the quest!
Congratulations you now know how to finish this quest in God of War Ragnarok, now go out there and try doing it yourself. Many thanks to WoW Quests for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Garden for the Dead God of War Ragnarok – YouTube
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