The new God of War game is out and it became a massive hit in no time! The amazing graphics and world, paired with the thrilling story and memorable characters lead this game into a massive launch loved by many. God of War Ragnarok features more of an open world game than the previous one as the developers focused more on freedom exploring the lands while also introducing more characters from Norse Mythology. Of course with big areas to run around you can be sure that there are a lot of things you can do in this game, and one of them is finding collectibles. Here is how you get all the collectibles in River Delta.
River Delta All Collectible Locations In God Of War Ragnarok
There are a lot of collectibles in God of War Ragnarok, and they’re not just random bits and baubles that you find in a chest somewhere. By collectibles we mean stuff like lore pieces, artifacts, and even sometimes quests. Each region has a number of collectibles in them and these are all the ones in the River Delta.
Collectible #1: Buried Treasure

This first one is to the left of the shop in the area. You can find it in a corner glowing in yellow, it’ll only show if you have the Treasure Map from Vanir Shrine.

Collectible #2: Artifact

Next to the previous collectible is an artifact next to the wall. If only all collectibles were this close to each other.
Collectible #3: Lore

On the opposite side to the right of the shop is a lore stone you can interact with.
Collectible #4: River Delta Favour

This one can only be found after Chapter 6, talk to Lunda and you can start “The Mysterious Orb” quest from her. You then need to go to the Veiled Passage, there in a cave facing northeast is a place where yo can dock, in a corner is the orb, just bring it back to Lunda.

Collectible #5: Odin’s Raven

Before you go back to Lunda, head north following the water and dock to the beach there. Then turn left and climb the wall there, follow the path until you find a chain you can go down. Look east and there you can find one of Odin’s Raven.
Collectible #6: Odin’s Raven

This one is in Pilgrim’s landing and you’ll need to be in the area where the legendary chest is to get find Odin’s Raven to the left of it. For a guide of the collectibles in that area we have one right here: God Of War Ragnarok: Pilgrim’s Landing All Collectible Locations (
Collectible #7: Artifact

From the Pilgrim’s Landing dock point you can go on the boat and head east through the cave made out of tree routes, to the north is a passageway that can lead you to the next artifact which is just in the corner of the area you dock.
Collectible #8: Yggdrasil Rift

Continue going up the stairs and a the top is a Yggdrasil Rift, these only appear after Chapter 10 so keep that in mind.
Collectible #9: Lore

Lastly, cross the bridge and to the right of the chest is another lore piece you can collect.
Congratulations you now know where all the River Delta collectibles are in God of War Ragnarok, now go out there and try to find them yourself! Many thanks to 100% Guides for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: God Of War Ragnarok River Delta All Collectible Locations – YouTube