Gotham Knights Search For Clues In The Vault Guide

Gotham Knights: Search For Clues In The Vault Guide

Elijah Hernandez
2 Min Read

Gotham Knights sees Batman’s previous sidekicks become their own Knight of Gotham. With the Batman gone, they need to step up and see what it takes to be the protect of Gotham. That doesn’t just include being an eccentric billionaire by day, you also have the be a detective that solves cases at night. At its core, Batman is a smart character that uses his brains to solve cases and beat bad guys, and the Knights need to be like that as well. In this guide, we show you how you can help the Knights search for clues in the vault.  

Search For Clues In The Vault Guide – Gotham Knights

When playing through the Star Labs, you have to find Mr. Freeze and find out what is he doing in Star Labs to begin with. As you make your way through the mission, you come across a poor scientist killed by Freeze. But why? This is where you need to fin 3 clues in the vault.

The first clue is to your left of the vault. You have to use your AR to analyze the blueprint on the wall.

The second is the notepad on the floor next to the scientist.

The third is the Dictaphone on the desk on your right. Once you got all 3, you have successfully found all clues in the vault.

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Elijah Hernandez is someone that loves video games since he was little. It didn't matter to him if people didn't like a video game. If it was fun, that was all that mattered to him. He's also a huge fan of superhero media like Marvel and DC, so he's practically played games like Spider-Man and the Batman Arkham games. He's also into multiplayer games that strike his fancy, specifically games like Call of Duty and Fortnite. Most especially Fortnite since he can play as different Marvel and DC characters in a battle royale against other famous and iconic characters.
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