In Grand Kaizen, you can obtain a number of unique abilities to become stronger. There are so many abilities in the game that you can find to equip and make a skill combination for yourself. In this guide, we will show you all the skills currently available in Grand Kaizen.
All Skills Guide
There will be two sections, one for all of the Cursed Techniques and one for all of the Weapons in the game that have abilities.
Cursed Technique Skills
For now, the developers are still working on the Disaster Plants and Curse Spirit Manipulation techniques. It is likely that we will see the moves/skills in the future.
King of Curses
The first technique in this list is King of Curses. This Technique has been developed quite a bit by the developers and there can be new abilities for you to use in the future. In the meantime, here’s a sneak peak of some of the skills you’ll see.
- Dismantling Cut
- Dismantle: Casts a damaging spell on your opponent, dealing damage to them.
- Bisecting Assault
- Counter: This is a counter move that has a cutscene if you successfully block an opponent’s attack.
- Flame Arrow
- Malevolent Shrine

Cursed Speech
The second Technique is the Cursed Speech Technique. This is an Uncommon Technique that you can obtain as you roll for them. For now, it has four different moves.
- Crumble
- Repulse
- Stop
- Detonate
Sound Manipulation
The third technique is Sound Manipulation. This technique will give you the following moves: Divergent Fist, Harmonic Combo, Melody Cannon, Reverberating Blast.
- Divergent Fist will turn your hands into blue fire, increasing damage on your next attacks.
- Reverberating Blast will create a huge explosion that deals damage over time.
- Harmonic Combo launches your opponent upwards, then kicking and knocking them backwards while they are airborne.
- Melody Cannon lets you perform a quick, melee attack in a small AoE in front of you

The fourth cursed technique is Limitless. This technique provides you with the following moves: Hollow Purple, Lapse Blue, Cosmic Beatdown, Reversal Red, Maximum Lapse Blue.
- Maximum Lapse Blue: Creates a huge blue orb that can later be launched at an opponent,
- Reversal Red: You can choose to either charge or launch the ability at your opponent. This will create a huge explosion in the area of impact.
- Cosmic Beatdown: You will perform quick attacks at your opponent, and finally end with a final attack. There is also a cutscene.
- Lapse Blue: Charges up a blue orb, then pulls your opponent towards you after activation.
- Hollow Purple: Merges a Blue and Red Orb to form a Purple Orb. After that, you will shoot it towards your opponent.

Disaster Flames
The fifth Technique is from Jogo, with the official in-game name being Disaster Flames.
Here are the following moves you can use: Maximum Meteor, Volcanic Slam, Disaster Flames, Ultimate Cannon, Tentacle, Overheat Strike, Drill.
- Drill: Charges for a short duration before dashing forward with your Drill, you will also leave an exposion behind that deals damage.
- Overheat Strike: Performs an explosive attack that knocks your opponent backwards.
- Tentacle: Grabs your opponent with tentacles behind your back, then slam them 3 times. There is also a final cutscene at the end in which you punch your opponent.
- Ultimate Cannon: Charges the ability for a short duration, then shoots a beam that deals continuous damage to your opponent as long as they stay inside your beam.
- Disaster Flames: This move will make you hit the ground, dealing damage in an area around you and knocking enemies backwards.
- Volcanic Slam: This ability does the same thing as Disaster Flames, with a smaller area of impact.
- Maximum Meteor: You will create a huge meoteor and pulls it down onto the ground. Once it reaches the ground, it will explode and deal damage to your opponent.

All Weapons Skills
- Kento Knife: A simple sword with only M1.
- Spear: A unique spear weapon with only M1.
- Tetsubo: A simple sword with only M1.
- Slaughter Demon: An uncommon weapon, it has one move named Demonic Puncture. This move will let you charge at your opponent before hitting them it a strong attack and knocking them backwards.

Inverted Spear of Heaven: Requires level 25. The weapon has two moves, named Heavenly Takedown and X Slash.
- Heavenly Takedown: This is a cutscene move in which you perform consecutive attacks with your knife weapon. The attack animation is extremely well-designed.
- X Slash: This move will let you attack your opponent 7 times. Each move will deal low damage but if you manage to land all of the hits, the damage does add up.

Hand Sword: Requires level 10. This sword has two moves as well, which are Cryptic Slash and Miracle Counter.
- Crytic Slash: You will jump upwards before slamming down onto the ground with your sword.
- Miracle Counter: Enters a counter pose, once an opponent hits you in the animation, you will counter attack. The attack will deal low damage and knock your opponent backwards.

Staff: This weapon has two moves, which are Vault Kick and Guilded Combo.
- Vault Kick: Performs a quick kick attack that knock your opponent backwards.
- Guilded Combo: Performs 4 consecutive attacks with your staff. Each move will increase in damage with the last move dealing the most damage and knocking your opponent backwards.

Jet Black Sword: Requires level 5. It has two moves named Nightfall and Black Crescent Beam.
- Black Crescent Beam: Performs one quick slash at your opponent, dealing damage.
- Nightfall: Performs three slashes at your opponent, with the final slash knocking your opponent backwards and dealing extra damage. You will also leave a shadow trail with each sword slash.

Each skill in the game is capable of doing different things and you will want to find the right skill build that can maximize your capabilities. As the game receives more future updates, there can also be a lot of new skills that you get to explore!
For more details, check out our guide for all the Cursed Technique & Weapons in Grand Kaizen as well!
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